Your Sweetheart

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I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. ― Marilyn Monroe

March 03, 2012

People fuck me up.

Hi guys! Wheee! I'm back to blog again! :D Cause I thought of something to blog hehe! :)

Went to Josie's house today, wanted to study but in the end watched 4 eps of Unriddle 2 with them. ZZZZZ. I still don't really like mediacorp shows! Hahahahahah. Oh! And thanks Josie and Josie's mum for the home made lunch! :D

AND OMG I WAS SO DAMN PISSED IN THE MORNING. Saturday was the ONLY day I could sleep like for the whole morning/afternoon, BUT THANKS TO DON. I've to wake up UNNATURALLY arghasdfghjadskhkjfhjak. It's okkkkkkkkk. I've not done anything for like the past 2/3 days, I got to start on my Maths.... But I'm so lazy.....

Okay! Now the stuff that I wanted to blog today :D


1. Make mummy and daddy proud for sth. 
2. Get a same tattoo with Kitty sister.
3. Get more tattoos.
4. Own a dog!
5. Get super drunk and go crazy.
6. Clique chalet. 
7. Design my own bedroom.
8. Dye my hair maroon red.
9. Have dreadlocks. 
10. 12mm ear holes.
11. 18mm ear holes.
12. Own Jeffrey Campbell heels!!!!!!
13. Go to SPCA and help doggies.
14. Receive pink helium balloons.
15. Receive a dozen of roses/ sunflowers.
16. Sleep under the stars with someone.
17. Make a Primary & Secondary school photo album.
18. Fall deeply in love.
19. Get my heart broken.
20. Get someone else heart broken.
21. Go fasting/try vegetarianism for 1 week or sth.
22. Ice creams/ Food fights.
23. Carve mine and my best friends names on a tree.
24. Skinny dipping!!!!!!!! O___O
25. Cook a whole meal for someone.
26. Watch sunrise and sunset.
27. Do volunteer work overseas.
28. Dress up for Halloween.
29. Paint graffiti.
30. Friends stay over.
31. Spend a day holding up a FREE HUGS sign.
32. New year's kiss.
33. Make pretty cupcakes.
34. Put up Christmas lights in my bedroom.
35. Scream as loudly as I can
36. Go tanning in a bikini. 
37. Take care of someone who is drunk.
38. Go on a no budget shopping spree.
39. Get arrested. 
40. Draw a pair of perfect eyes.
41. Paint a self portrait. 
42. Get married and have kids. 
43. Send a message in the bottle.
44. Own and decorate a Mac Book. 
45. Donate blood/ hair. 
46. Lit up a sky lantern with my wishes on it.
47. Kiss under a mistletoe.
48. Ride on the back of a motorcycle.
49. Dance and kiss in pouring rain. 
50. Love myself (but with the rate I'm going now, no wayyyy hahah)

Okay! That's it FOR NOW! :D Can't think of anymore hehe! I spent like forever thinking about 50 things to do before I die!!!!!! JOSIE DON KERWIN AND KITTY KWAN DO THIS LEY :D hehe so see ya guys next time! 


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