Hi guys! :) It's been awhile since I've blogged. Hmmm wanted to blog something a few days back about my frustrations but it went to my drafts instead because wasn't really feeling safe to blog it out as it's personal stuff which I hardly talk about too. Just gonna push them aside like how I always do. Opps I'm going to far haha!
I've been behind time because I've blogged about Kwan's birthday. And now I've photos way past time! Or maybe not very long la :)
This is during sports carnival! Photos explain all my dear readers :)
Medals not mine obviously. And this was when my stupid eye still had the stupid lump thingy which is actually healed and gone now :D
Then head to Rozanne's place for English project but failed anyways! Initiated to help with baking which I never will at home because I hate cooking hahah. But I do help my mummy sometimes!
And the rest came over :)
Disturbing Darien when he's asleep hahahaah
Nothing much later on. Oh except the part we did our stupid and quite fail Harlem shake but it was still fun :) And stock piling hahaha. And daddy came to fetch me home. Went Rozanne house the next day to complete our english project :)
And here are some random school photos. Don't really take much photos in school because I look hideous. Okay maybe I look hideous but just much more hideous in school.
Haha sorry but I can spike my hair too :P This was when it was raining real heavily and me and Kwan ran to Chinese tuition under the rain and we were literally SOAKED as fuck.
Um this was whennnn went drinking with Rozanne, Don, Darien and Marcus :) @Buangkok haha. A crazy crazy Friday night.
Kwan came to fetch drunkard bitch home :/ And trust me I was a real bitch when I was drunk hahahah. And damn I'm so sick of vodka hahaha. Woke up and puke around 6am plus and head back to bed but thank God I puked so I've no hang over the next day.
Saturday :) Went to surprise Syarah with a mini cake but failed in the end hahaha.
p/s: Thanks Don for the photos!
Went up with Rozanne and Hezron at Hougang then head to Marina tgt! And met Don there and surprise Syarah :)

Happy Belated 17th Birthday Syarah :) If you see this but I don't think you would!

Went walk walk after that.
Then went to IT fair to get some stuff then head to a fancy hotel or building idk!

Left the place, got some drinks and off to Gardens by the Bay! :)

P/S: Advice when you go there - if you're rich or somewhat you can ignore this but please eat before you head to Marina and get 2 bottles of coke or sth.

failed jump shot

but oh well we're still good

And waited for the rest to head over!

And everybody came in time for the pretty light show :)
photos at Don's facebook!

Went walk walk before heading back to Hougang!

Head back to Hougang and went drinking again haha but this time round beer! Head home after sending Rozanne to her house bus stop. Walked home tipsy as fuck, wondering how many people were looking at me when I was walking like left right left right (if you right what I mean) But fun night :)
This was the day after study date with Kwan :)
Then we rushed to AMK to catch Oz the Great and Powerful
The show was not bad even though we missed about 30min of it. I love the monkey sososososo much!!!! Can't wait for it to come out on funshion so I can catch the first part that we've missed :)
And because we got free tickets which were going to expire so we had to watch it that day. Went home to change and out!
fat thighs but bleh I love torn stockings
Met up with Angmo on Friday after Kwan's ptm. Was super pissed at her teacher, oh well what to do teachers only know how to judge from our appearance.
And then this was um Saturday. Suppose to wake up for Chinese oral but couldn't wake up in time so fuck oral hahaha.
And was suppose to head out with mummy for shopping at Orchard to get bagsssssssssss but well mum fucked me up too because I didn't went for oral ohwell. Changed back to sleeping clothes and nuaed at home and went to Don's place with the rest.
p/s: Thanks Don for the photos again!
Tweetie birdies :)
Josie looks so pretty here :)
We're all pretty flowers :3
Cutie lah sia :)

failed cloud shot too windy la then all the birds keep blocking that's why like that :(

failed Paris shot. We were on the helicopter then very windy then Don scared of heights so his hand shaky that's why picture no good. But we really went to Paris :(

failed shot 3. We went back to the past and found ourselves taking this :) So I went to kiss Rozanne, Josie went to kiss herself and Don went to kiss himself. But our time machine kena found out so after taking the shot we quickly run back to safe our time machine from kena taken away. That's why picture taken in a rush so not good.
Played kinect and went to study a little and "photoshoot" hahahaha. Basically we were in a dark room (not really dark but still dark) and the only flash was the camera and yeah, it was bright as hellllllllllllll

Marcus face is like: Really cannot la the flash really cannot hahahahahahaha

I have no idea what was I doing but
I remind myself I look like..................

Why-is-this-happening-to-me-omg expression

Okay Kirstie is back :)


do not ask me why am i tilting my head i do not know ty

Shuai lei marcus :)
~~~~~ Serious faces ~~~~~
~~~~~ or not ~~~~~
Cycled home and watched Vampire Diaries with Kwan :)
Out to study with Kwan again at Anchorvale cc!
Met up with Kerwin at night and dinner and Salted Caramel! :) Ice cream lovas <3
dk what's with kwan and he stick together twist, so i also follow lor :D
HI KWAN :D ~~ <--- if you get what i mean.
Bused home and home sweet home :)
Wondering how am I going to survive later for Chinese test. Seriously stupid school have to put the tests on Marcus holidays, y u no understand holidays = sleeping. zzzz I'm done with school. Thought I would somehow appreciate school when I turn sec 5 but NO I HATE SCH EVEN MORE AND THE FUCKING TEACHERS IN IT. (SOME OK SOME) I hate studying, examinations, O levels, waking up in the morning and all fucking shit.
But what to do. Not like got rich daddy to pass down his business to me. kk la enough
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