Hi guys :)
So it's the end of the March holidays and this is how my week went! This week past really fast though. Really really fast.
Monday - Had to go back to school for Chinese paper exam. What the heck right. I know. Went to POA tuition after that. Nothing much!
Tuesday - No school! But had to go for POA tuiton again :( Because had missed quite a number of tuition the past weeks.
Went out with Josie, Don and Marcus after that! :) off to Arab Streeeeet.
Photos credits to Don @ http://donchiphotos.tumblr.com/

Question your life. Question your doubts. Question yourself. Question all that needs to be questioned.

Walked around Bugis Junction and street a little and went back :)
Came home and watched The time traveler's wife WHICH IS DAMN FREAKING MOTHER FUCKING GOOD WHICH YOU ALL SHOULD WATCH IT BECAUSE IT ROCK BALLS GODDAMN IT. I'm reading the book now which Hezron had lend me, you guys should watch it god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay I know I should ask you guys nicely if I'm asking a request :( So guys please go watch The Time Traveler's Wife because it's really good :)
Wednesday - It was Kerwin-day :)
Suppose to meet him @10am but couldn't wake up in time so changed to 12pm :) Head to Queenstown for Ikeaaaaaaa food.
Walked around Anchorpoint a little. Damn I missed that place. I miss the cleaners, the subway waiters, the cute boys who worked there and stuff :( I miss working!!!!!
So we waited for Kwan and walked around Plaza sing.
And head to play nation!!!!!!!! :D
We played for around 5-6 hours. It was really crazy because we kept extending and extending because we were having fun and damn those hours past really quickly. But it's expensive though :(
And head home around 11-12 with Kwan! :)
Thursday - Had to go to school for some English workshop. It was pretty good though. Did not regret going :) Went to Don's place after lunch with Hezron! Watched (I forgot her name but it starts with M) documentry and played Slender Man which was CREEPY AS FUCK. Don recorded all our reactions in his phone :)

Went back with Hez and met up with Marcus and Kerwin to cycle!
Kerwin's treat :) because he's workinggggg
Friday - Went to school again for the English workshop. I was late and somehow had a choice whether I want to go or not but I chose to go to the workshop because I kind of like the instructor :) Oh and Hezron made Gin gummy bears which were not bad :)
Studied a little in school then head out to cycle with the guys in the evening. Came home and Vampire Diaries with Kwan :)
Saturday - Had POA tuition againnnn. Went out with the couple after tuition, it was nice but I felt like a light bulb :(((((
Went to eat strictly pancakes :D
Before :)
After :)
WATCHED WARM FUCKING BODIES :D @ The Cathay which was gooooooddddddd :)
Came home and watched 10 things I hate about you (not bad) love this poem they said:
Came home and watched 10 things I hate about you (not bad) love this poem they said:
I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme.
I hate it, I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.
& also watched The Rise of the Guardians which was GOOOOOODIE GOOD!!!!! I'm in love with Jack Frost GODDAMN.
Sunday - Because we both slept at 5am plus on saturday so we both canceled tuition on Sunday morning :) I had my sleep and Kwan head out. Woke up with no one at home except fatty John. Watched Forrest Gump another great show, you guys should watch it also haha. But it's really really sad though.
Hmmm. Not so much of a holiday because went back to school about half the holi. And have been going out everyday except today I've got no time for hw haha. hmmm nothing much alr! Okay byeeeeeeeee
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