Hey guys :) It wasn't too long ago since I've posted right! :)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday was a fucking dread. I've to survive fucking school with my fucking menstruation cramp wtf. But I made it through :)
Oh and finally after 4 years our class tee is ready :)
Looking forward to Thursday as there will be cross-country = no school!!!!!!!!!! :D Sleeeep sleeeeep sleeeeeeepppp yay! Met up with Josie, Don and Marcus!
And off to Haw Par Villaaaaaaaaa!
First pic: 2012 and 2013

To the 10 gates of Hell!!!!!!!! It wasn't really very scary like how Don mentioned la. Maybe cause he had phobia when he was young, but it's not scary at all hahahaha. Or maybe cause we walked together that's why it isn't really scary. Maybeeeeeeeee

I realise the two statues are like looking at me hahahaha
Not much photosssssss and we left that place because it was going to rain and it was still hot. Off to Bugis to meet Kerwin for dinner @Everything with fries!
Rested at Macs because we were all tired duh hahahah

Then walk walk because we were still earlyyyyyy, we went to some ulu ballroom/hotel place idk.

I really love the mirror! So big and huge hahahaah. But i love the gold cravings stuff on top though.

And I, Kirstie Kwan, promise to love and care for my sister, Kitty Kwan, till the day death comes upon me. To pamper her, to care for her, to miss her, to protect her even if it means suicide, to want her even if she's a bitch at times, to forgive her always and not get mad at her, to remind her she is beautiful whenever she feels insecure, to be there for her when she needs someone, to hold her when she falls, and lastly to love her like she's my all. And those who are reading this, you guys are the witness :)
Anddddddddddd finally tada!!!!!!!!!! Fooooooooooooooooood :P

The fries are amazingggggggggggg, mine's Sour cream :) But you have to try the Garlic and Herb one! It's even more amazing!!!!!!!!
After eating, Jo felt a little unwell so Marcus sent her home. :( Chilled at Starbucks a little before heading to somewhere else.
Went to meet up with Marcus again @ Punggol haibin!

And our fail jump shots..............

Went home after that! :) Was so pissed at myself because I missed two fucking buses because I was using my damn phone argh but still got more alert when the 3rd one came lol.
TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good friday = no school again! = sleep = wake up late = kwan at home = shoppping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
At first Kwan didn't want to go to town area because it's going to be crowded as fuck because it's Good Friday duh. But we went there in the end because she wanted to see the Vans sales @ Taka! But unfortunately there's only men sizes left or maybe there's only men sizes so = no buys hahaha poor Kwan. She was so excited over it
Hehe really love Kwan's fish eye lens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then went to jia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahah like self obsessed only wtf
Newbie @ fish eye lens hahahaha
And kwan says I'm lousy at using it hahahahaah
Then went to Upp Thomson for Salted Caramel :)
finally a non fish eye lens pic hahahahaa
And Salted Caramel :) sorry kerwin if you're thinking bo jio hahahah it was a ladies night out sooooo hahahha
cutiepies h3h3
Had a really good time with my Kwan <3 Although she was pmsing all the time, I manage to endure her pmses yay! Enjoyed myself but just pity we didn't manage to take neoprints :( It has been a really long time since I've took neoprintsssss i miss them!!!!!!
I love you Kwan, although we were broke we still manage to have fun (idk bout you but i had fun) Thank you for the night, love you always. <3
Spent my Saturday at home basically doing nothing, maybe the most productive thing was that I finally watched Romeo and Juliet.
It was okay, I think it's because the way they talk it's a little different from what we are speaking now. The whole show is about poetry poetry all the way, well duh right. The show is about poetry right hmmm. I had to actually read the plot on wiki because I had no idea what they were saying. So it kind of ruin the show :( And the surprising thing is the chinese subtitles helped me the most HAHA.
But Leonardo Dicaprio aka Romeo is absolutely incredibly S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G
Then because I somehow fell in love with the main actress because she was so pretty and stuff I went to wiki her and found out about her shows hahahahah. I'm not the only one who does that right...... So I watch Little Birds. And I fell in love with the song Little Birds - Tift Merrit. It's not bad too :))))))))))))

Kwan came home and it was movie night! It's somehow our Friday and Saturday night "thing". But I really love it :) We watched the movie The Brass Teapot. Again from that actress I mentioned earlier on haha. The movie is really nice!!!!!! Okay la not really really really nice but it was nice :) And this movie is defiantly the most interesting one compared to those I mentioned on top!
Stay home Sunday! Suppose to head out with Kerwin but oh well, I'm fucking broke as usual. Sorry ker! and finally....................... I CLEANED MY FREAKING DAMN ROOM. Okay la, not "I" it's "We", me and Kitty hahahaha. We finally vacuum every single spot in our room and changed the bed sheet hahahahaah. To some of you I know it's no biggie, but for me and kwan, keeping out room clean is IMPOSSIBLE. But it feels nice sleeping in clean and fresh mattresses and walking with no hairs lying around :P DONT JUDGE OK.
But oh well, I dare to make a bet with any of you here, in the next 5 days...... well maybe give it 3 days. The room will be messy as hell again hahhahaha.
That's all I've got to say :) And the school cycle starts tmr ALL OVER AGAIN. yay. can you see how happy am i :')
what the fuck
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