I can't promise you that things will be completely alright and everything will be okay,
I can't ensure you that you won't cry or be sad or be 24/7 smiling,
but the only thing I can promise is that I will never leave you till the day death comes upon us.

Happy Sweet 16th Birthday!
P/S: Belated Birthday
你好关, 祝你快乐甜甜蜜蜜十六!
我希望你过你这个生日开心不只要你生日当天开心, 我想要你天天都开开心心地过生活。
因为看你开心我就会开心, 看你哈哈大笑我就会放心。
当你觉得没有人爱你或关心你, 你一定要记住我这个姐姐。
不管我多恨你, 我不忍心恨下去,
我会一之爱你, 疼你, 照顾你, 葱你。
(okay writing Chinese is really hard :P)
I'm really thankful to have you as my sister and I thank God that I didn't suffocate or hit you to death when we were young. Because other than wanting you to be happy and you staying in my life, I really can't ask for more.
I'm sorry about my negativity towards birthdays but I really really don't want you to feel the same way. I want you to be positive and cheerful, I want you to be happy, I want you to live your life to the fullest and happiest. And yes, it's easier said than done and I know I haven't been being positive myself either, but I'm selfish and ironic like that. I WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY. I hate seeing you sad I hate hearing you cry. Because I really do believe you deserve so much more, and I really hope you could see it for yourself too. But please don't hide your tears away or cry in the shower or when I'm asleep, talk to me and share your troubles with me. I'm always here. Maybe sometimes not physically but I cross my heart and swear, forever I'm here.
And 10/20/30/40+++ years down the road, I'll be still here for you.
Because no matter what happens, sisters are forever.
I love you Kwanny, this sounds like a love letter hahahaha wtf. Okay before I go even more cheesier, I hope you had enjoyed your day and sorry to disappoint you in some of the plans. I'm sorry I couldn't make it a better one but I do hope you had a little fun :)
I know hand written letters are the best but I hope you still like this open letter!
On 1st of March
Went cycling with the guys then Kitty came and went prawning! :) But I it was alr her birthday then cause it had past 12 midnight! Daddy came to fetch us back! And gave Kwan her present :)
Her reaction:
Because I got her this :) Thanks Don, Rozanne and Marcus for helping me with the admin stuff!
2nd of March
The surprise plan went quite well actually! :) Thank you everybody who came!!!! Esp Thurayya and Guoliang who helped me alotalotalot.
Don't really wanna say out the whole plan but aiya! You see the pictures should be can understand :) I'll explain along the way!
First stop: Thurayya!
Second stop: Anika!
Sorry for the far photo taking!!! I was suppose to hide and take photos which obviously from my lousy iphone cammy because I forgot to bring kitty's dslr out
Third stop: Kerwin! who was playing the guitar if you can't see clearly in the pic he sang Hey There Delilah so damn loudly that all the owls woke up.
Forth stop: Brenda and Yifang! Didn't manage to take them giving her the balloons cause my stupid phone crashed.
Fifth stop: Ying Xiang! who came down from the lrt lift :)
And unfortunately I got found out sneaking behind so we have clearer photos now :)
Can you spot the balloon?? :)
Sixth stop: Jenna!
Seventh stop: Shu Qi and Qian Er!
A poor balloon flew off :(
Ninth stop: Ben and Chia Wee
And Kitty running toooooooooooooo
Fiora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which she screamed pretty loud too that all the owls and bats woke up.
And the last stop................
*Happy birthday to you lalalala pop pop pop*
*blow candles*
Group photo 1 :)
Group photo 2 :)
Group photo 3 :)
Group photo 4 :)
Group photo 5 :P
And then.......................
And then................................................................................
Me: no no no no no
Me: I feed you swensens cake laaaaa
kitty "NO!!!!"
And so..........................
And then................. the police came hahahahahahah. Because while smashing the cake at kwan's face someone called the police and said that we were fighting. hahahah it's quite funny if you think about it. Or maybe no. okay hmmmm
Then went home to change and shower before heading out to Cine! :) Thanks Fiora for helping out with the night plans!
Sushi buffet with Kwan, Kerwin, Calvin Wang, Fiora and Dylan :)
Here's my pretty birthday girl :)
Bused to Hougang then bused to Sengkang then walked home with Kwan :)
And that's a little sth thurayya made for kitty which is pretty cute :)
So that's all guys :D See you guys soon and Happy belated birthday kwan kwan!
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