Hi guys! So I guess what happen recently was my N levels results and BBQ and tattoo day. Hmmmmm let's start off with ink day with kwan first.
I'm sure those of you who are reading this must have already seen Kitty's blog about our tats. Kitty's 2nd and my 3rd one. So head down to joe's had our appointment at 2pm.
Was kind of pissed with kwan cause she didn't came home that night and I thought we would be late for our appointment cause she still wasn't home in the morning. But made it though.
Did our ink which is itching like fuck now!!!! (picture below) Kwan's took around 30 mins and mine around 45 mins.
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." It is part of Marilyn Monroe's quote.
Actual quote: I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
And if you notice carefully, yup! It's on my blog's profile :) Just scroll back up if you're using the computer. Or scroll all down if you're using the phone.
Kitty choosing her font.
And he did my feather pen with free hand damn it was scary. Oh and the pain was so much painfuler than the other two.
Was actually planning to put the quote only but joe suggested a feather pen which is actually pretty cool :) ---- suppose to be $320 but he gave me at $280
Kitty's one was tougher cause she got to choose a font that matches her old infinity tat. While for mine choosing the font was pretty easy like 1 2 3. ----- $200
Kk so went to do a little shopping at Bugis but wasn't really in the mood though, so ate our dinner first before heading to Jackie's place.
Cause her eyes were hurting so she rubbed and rubbed and rubbed till..................... that
And homed! :)
Sooooooo hmmmmm for my N levels results. I did pretty bad though. I know I didn't put in my best so I'm not really feeling sad and stuff. Maybe kind of sad cause I know I could do better and I actually disappointed some people but oh well...... at least I made it to sec 5 and I could take my O levels with Kwan.
BBQed with my lovely friends, yes, it has been really really really long. Got a little tipsy hahahahaah wtf.
Sorry that I neglected you guys (esp you 3 who are reading this!) had been really busy with working cause I got to take care of myself and I really hate taking money from my mum. So hmmmmmmmm.
only one picture for BBQ day!
So like I've mention I've been busy with work! Hmmm really cash tight now and I really hate asking my mum for money. It's just..... complicated for you readers to know..... And Christmas is coming! Christmas drinking anyone? I'll get a mistletoe, I promise? ;)
(Just reblogged this picture off tumblr and I really love it)
Teenage years.
Love lust all sugary things gone to dust.
Strawberry milkshakes and ice creams to alcohol and cigarettes.
Tears of joy and laughter to tears of hatred and sorrow.
Good morning and good night texts to no texts at all.
Lovers with feelings to strangers with memories.
Yea you may get hurt once in awhile but there's no reason for you to dwell about the past over and over again. You have to put yourself together and buck the fuck up. Easier said than done, I know. Trust me, I was in your shoes once and yea it wasn't easy I could say it was mother fucking horrible crying to sleep every fucking night.
I really would say as time passes things will get better. It will, but you have to believe it. It will, but you have to do your part and accomplish it. It will, you just have to try. And if trying doesn't help, there's really nothing else you can do but just to try harder. There's no one to blame because it's our fault for falling in love so easily.
What's the point dwelling over one stupid boy? A few weeks or months maybe but not too much. You're wasting your youth. I understand there's a whole lot of list you can say about what you like about him and the stuff he does for you. But what makes you think you cannot find someone better? What makes you think you cannot find another? What makes you think nobody else still loves you? What makes you think you don't deserve love anymore?
It's just like a cycle and it goes on and on with other different boys.
You find someone. He treats you like princess and treats you like gold in the beginning. He says do anything you like as long as you're happy. He protects you and wants you to listen to him cause it's for your own good. He understands you and tries to make you smile whenever you're down. He blames himself when you guys start arguing. You become dependent on him and literally gave your heart to him. Slowly after he starts complaining for not having enough time for him. He starts comparing the time you spend with your friends and the time you spend with him. He expects more from you and expects you to be with him 24/7. He later begins to lose his patience in you and argue in everything that you go against him with. He starts losing interest in texting you and you guys spend lesser time together as the days goes by. He neglects you for his friends. He argue and blame you about everything and anything now. Both of you lose your patience and demands for a break up. One of you start regretting and want everything to be the same again but unfortunately the other doesn't. One of you got hurt and heart broken while the other moved on. One of you still longing for his/her return but trust me on this, once he/she is gone, they're never coming back.
Isn't this how it goes? I know I'm in no stand to judge other people's relationship. Some people may last while others won't. But truth is, if you're still below 21, nobody is going to love you and be with you and marry you and live with you till you grow fucking old. No?
So the very first step is you got to understand he is never going to come back. If you're thinking maybe after his next girlfriend he will start texting you again. He won't. If you're thinking he will realise that no girls can treat him as well as you did. He won't. If you're thinking someday you and him could be just like the old times. It won't happen.
Nothing will happen.
Because expecting stuff from your ex lover is stupid. It's mother fucking stupid. You have to knock some sense into yourself and move on.
Because if you're still longing for his return, you're just wasting your time sweetie.
And I want you to know because you deserve so so so so so much more then having to cry to sleep every night.
Sorry if this post offend any of you in any way but just frankly speaking my point of view.
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