Hey guys! Currently at my work place blogging haha! Yea I'm no longer working at Compasspoint! I'm working at Anchorpoint now which is super inconvenient for me but well, it's easy money though cause I could do anything I want here. Like literally, that's why I brought my laptop here! :)
So, not sure should I blog about prom first or my working stuff------ Nah! Let's go to prom hehe! And it was better than I thought actually. Never expected myself to go to prom though. Quality photos thanks to Don Chi the Lai------ hhahaha kidding I'm not going there. Okay thanks Don :)
Okay! Went to work in the morning till 1pm (was still at compass) then head over to some nearby salon and they helped me did my temporary curls which really didn't last long. And the worst part is there was a little drizzle when I was heading home so zzz I had to run. And all the curls was literally bouncing off. Blah so went home and prepare and cab down to find darien and goddamn it the rain was mother fucking HUGE.
And Darien was mean enough to say that my blazer looked like a trash bag :(
And do you guys wanna know why don't I want to go prom and why I never expected myself to go? Because I can never pull off a tube dress or a sleeveless one which every girl wore because of my goddamn fucking fat arms. And plus the tribal was a huge cannot. zz so I was kind of out of place there yarrrrrrr
Okay enough of this negative shit haha. Cabbed down with Darien to Josie's place where everybody will be meeting there. And because of the damn rain I had to take off my heels and run off the cab to Josie's house void deck because there wasn't any shelter.
With amazingly gorgeous Rozanne.
And with dope hair girl Josie hahahah
Oh and I got another shave before prom haha so my shave side is in place. But it'll be the last time I'm shaving though cause school is reopening blah. Still wondering how should I tie them up for school haha who said I was even going back to sec 5 ahahahahaha okay kidding.

Okay then called a maxi cab I think? I forgot the name!
Night life
Morning life hahahahhaha
Went to some lift lobby later to wait.

Elegant Rozanne
Sweet Josie
Erm blah
Smarty pants Don
Romeo Marcus
The fuck Darien

And the event door is open~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Okay and dinner blah and photos! Not in order!

Timothy and Jiarong :)

Shirmaine damn I will miss her!

Brave Cheyanne!

Darien and Jolyn!


Marcus and WanYing!

There's more I guess but nobody tagged me in Facebook :(
Then after prom was planning actually to head to Josie's place. But went to drinking with the guys because Jiarong and Timothy hardly jio us out hahaha and what's a special event with no drinks right?!?!!
So head down to clark quay in those fuuuuuuuuu heels. And hoooooters!
As you can see my curls are gone haha, but my hair looks volumize it's because of the hairspray
Then cabbed down to Josie's place and watched Child's eye. I have no comments hahahahha then head back home when the rest of them are sleeping. lalalalalalala
So I guess that's it for prom!
And like what they say,
Thanks Kylie for the awesome gif hahahah
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