Sooooooo Tuesday! Went to Don's place to do CCA testimonial with Josie. Thanks Don once again, he is always helping us with these kind of shit school stuff.
I think this is the tired face I think they woke me up or sth? I forgot!

Then went to watch "I AM" with Josie MingFen and WanTing @ Plaza Sing!
Haha! The movie was not bad! It was sad lah but not as sad till you could cry a fucking river. There were super hell load of fan girls there pls. They were screaming, YES LITERALLY SCREAMING during the movie while their idol came out. LIKE THE WHOLE MOVIE 1/4 THEY WERE NOT SCREAMING LOR.
Okay! Soooooooooooo Wednesday & Thursday! Wait...... what did I do on wed........ OH YAH DARIEN'S CHALET! :) <3 It was fun lah! But I couldn't wake up on time to meet the rest x_x
But in the end didn't went there alone :P Met Aldrick in the bus stop, he was going to Pasir ris too! ^~^
Met the rest there while they were trying to start fire for BBQ! :) Kk lah, don't really wanna elaborate much but photosssssssss! Thanks to WanYing! :D

Haha was squashing Marcus! :P

Was drawing behind Joseph's back using charcoal!

Ta daaaaaaaa! I didn't draw the dick ah! It was Darien!

Yay group photo! :)

I can explain for the middle finger...................

This is the reason why!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the drinking game hahahaha

Went to see the sun rise! :) Come to think of it time past very fast! Oh yah! We watched....... I forgot what's the scary show called!!!!!!!! Oh something elm street! :/


Didn't manage to see the sun rise as all the clouds were blocking :/

Idk! Some history thing! :/


Went back and everyone went to sleep hahahahahaha went to eat Mac breakfast with Don, Darien and Marcus!

I WAS AWAKE! O_O Haha no lah kidding! It was so cold I went to sleep awhile later!
Everyone packed up and went back! Thanks mama for fetching me home ^~^ Went to bed later on woke up around 4 plus because the fucking house was making so much mother fucking noise. I swear I was really angry back then. So spent my day watching tv!
And Friday! I'm so lazy to write already! This is such a long post :/
Okay friday lah! Went out with Mama and Kitty! :) Went for Dimsum in the afternoon then off the Suntec then Vivo! Wasn't really "productive" buys but oh well! At least I spent time with my mom! I love my mom :)
Anddddddddddd Saturday! :) Suppose to go out with Kitty sis but last min of plans changing :/ Went to celebrate Marcus surprise party!
And then dinner at Popeyes! Damn I want to eat the mash potato now :(
Kk! Then went to slack at Buangkok with Darien Kerwin and Joseph! Hmmmmmmmmmmm idk! Haha! But it was quite nice! :) Homed around 11 plus!
YAY FINALLY! :D It's Sunday today! Hmmmm, going to paint my nails! I know I kinda just did! But it all started wearing off already :( Must be too rough lah! :/ I still have no idea what to paint though! Going to look up on tumblr and youtube to see what should I paint :P
Okay! So I'll be off comp again from 11-14! I don't know Kwan wanna bring lappy there a not so maybe I could blog there and stuff! But maybe not! It's so heavy :/ Ohyah! Going to Kitty's clique chalet! Haha! Ya I abit extra ah nvm ah :/
OKAY BYE :D See you guys next time <3
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