Day 1
Nothing much in Day 1 just BBQ and shutter on funshion and lepaking all the way. Slept with the guys.
Day 2

red eye.

Hmmmm midnight movie: Madagascar 3. And twist from everybody




Guo Liang

Jun Kai

Jia Le

Fu Xian




Wei Xuan



and me and my cui nails.

Photography of ahem chio jumping shots by ahem photographer ahem me.

Slept in this room with Aldrick, Calvin, Fu Xian, Ben, JunKai, Guoliang. Kitty slept with her boyfriend. But the guys were really nice.

Day 3

BBQ and pizzaaaaaaaaaaaaa. But throughout the 3 nights I never ton all the way, prolly the guys are nice to sleep with.
Day 4
Went home. Mum came to fetch all of us back, slept from 11am till 11pm plus. Woke up use comp till 5am then slept. Nothing much.
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Friday. Went to do some stuff and out with my loves.
Went to Don's house for school stuff first. Miss them alot.

Then went to meet Marcus for dinner @AMK. Last min movie: The Dictator.
Then home around 11 plus. Hate going home from AMK.
Sooooooo, it's sat today. Sorry for the emotionless post. Really don't feel like posting.......... Woke up feeling fucking terrible today and mum just made my feelings worst by scolding me for wasting her money. My eyes hurt from crying in the fucking day. -okay rant-
Money money money is always the fucking problem. Mum forever in a fucking foul mood because of money and dad. Hate asking her for money because she always pull this fucking long face so tend to ask her once a week only. I don't want to ask my mum for money because saving is all she thinks about. And she is the one who take care of the house stuff and financial. I can't be stressing her too much also. Kitty doesn't want to go out with me because of money too or maybe 40% because of her boyfriend and clique. I know money is hard to earn, I've earned it myself too. But, fuck. I want to go shopping with my sister, that's all I ask for. Give me at least one time in two weeks? I want to be like those skinny girls shopping in town and flea, carrying bags happily with their girlfriends. Buying stuff like there is no tomorrow, ever wonder where they get their money from? Because they seem to be going out every fucking day. And it's so unfair that I can't be born skinny and pretty. Isn't it? Don't tell me they work out bull shit seriously, they could eat like a fucking bull and not exercise and not get fat. And their girlfriends? Yes I have awesome friends. My girlfriend is usually busy with her family outings. And the rest are guys, it's just awkward to go out shopping with them. Maybe you may disagree but I think my sister is the best company to go shopping with. But she don't have any fucking time for me. I don't know what for ranting this shit. I just want to go flea. Get me out of this house.
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