I enjoyed my countdown, what about you? Yup, who says you need to have a boyfriend or
girlfriend to enjoy your countdown? My friends are a.m.a.z.i.n.g!!!!
Don, Josie, Mingfen came to my house around the afternoon! Kylie stayed here overnight!
I really miss Kylie here overnight, it's like I have another little sister but this time I could look
after her! Cause if I have a bigger sibling, I would want him or her to look after me and
protect me. But Kitty doesn't need me to look after her, she could look after herself already! :(
But it's good we don't have any age gap!
We were fooling around with Kitty's eeyore haha, her boyfriend bought her three! One big,
medium and small! Like one hubby, wife and baby!
Oh yah! They came to bake cookies!!!!! And I swear I hate baking. Okay luh I think I'm not
those kind of girls who would grow up to become house wife. Cause I have no idea, completely
no idea how to cook. :/ I think no one want to marry me le.
Time to add m&m choco to them! I only like the part where we shape and design them!
I made this K but turn out........... chao da.
They turn out to be like these, (uncook yet) pretty isn't it.
Soon, it's like 7pm +!!!! Mingfen and Josie went home to celebrate with their family, while
Kylie went back too, me and Don went to Marina Bay.
I wore the wrong contacts yesterday! They doesn't make my eyes super big. :(
We were talking about some LV shop and reminded me of a photo I came across the other
day!!!!!! I WANT THIS LV BAG OMG PLS................................................ T_T
The mrt was super crowed. I didnt want to look ks so Don helped me took this. :)
No comments on this........... Omg..............
Went to eat icecream at Cold Rock at Marina Bay mall! Idk the mall name!
Don's bubble gum flavour!
Mine!!!!!!!!!!!! Strawberry shortcake!
It's strawberry icecream with sponge cake and whipcream!
Okay after this we went to camp at a spot to see pretty fireworks! Wtf it was super pack
canz. Photographers even standby their camera already!!!!!!!!
Then Amos and Eugene came afterwards! :)
The internet connection is like ?!@#$%^&*$#@??!!?!?!!?!?!? My 3G doesn't work!!!!!! :(((
So I spend like 2 hours trying to get my phone 3G to work.
Fucking cui I know just wanna show the contacts colourrrr hehe.
Eugene sun glasses!
Love this shot I took!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Super nice!
Aiya, where can compare cutest with me?!!?!!?!? Obviously I more cute lor.
Ready for 2012 fireworks?!?!?!?!!?!?! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
In the movie New years eve, 11:59 seems so long, like you could get everything done and
everything prepare, you could prepare and breathe for the final time on 11:59pm 2011. But
on that very time, it's like I don't even know what to do, I'm lost, sth like 1sec than it's 2012.
Super love this shot.
And this.
Look like Christmas hat right??!!?! Hahahahahhaha. Eugene noticed it!
I took all those using my iPhone! Eugene took some using Don's camera freaking chio also!
Yup they were very big! Cause we were super near!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Love these three shots of his!)
I called up my mummy first! The fireworks were pretty long! Daddy and her were looking
at the fireworks too from my house! From my house can see firework one ley!!!! Than after
that I called Kitty! :)))))) <3
Okay after that we went back. OMG THE BUS STOP IS CROWED LIKE MAD. WE ALL HAD
TO SQUEEZE IN THE BUS. I managed to get in cause Amos pulled me in and people from the back kept on pushing! Some even broke into the back of the bus lor!! Super not like
TO SQUEEZE IN THE BUS. I managed to get in cause Amos pulled me in and people from the back kept on pushing! Some even broke into the back of the bus lor!! Super not like
Singapore pls!
When we got into the bus they were all so tired! Ok lah I was pretty tired too.... But wanted
to enlighten the mood! Cannot let the starting of 2012 turn out so shag and tired!!!!!! So..........
Hehe :)
See how tired Don is!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Told them to say bye to the camera haha!
Me and Don dropped off at Serangoon while they went to AMK! Wanted to meet Kerwin at
Mac for supper but he was too tired so we didn't meet up! :( I could meet all my besties in the
first day of 2012 lor!
Ohyah I'm heading to Josie's place to stayover after countdown! :)))))))
Don's dad came to pick Don up! His dad send me to Josie's house too! :) Around um, 1:50am
I was super hungry! Wanted to meet for supper but didn't in the end. So jojo cooked Maggie
for me!!! <3
This silly girl haha. :)
Webcam time!
Don! Your soul mate!
Haha okay lah! Than watched SHINEE yunhanam! Till 8am plus! Mummy came to fetch me
Changed and Kitty just came home too! AND Gd night! :)
Woke up around 5pm plus in the evening! Went to meet Kerwin Chia! Okay lah, so I did
actually meet all my besties in the starting of 2012! Super luv it!!!!!!!!!
Shower and went straight out! I took fucking 1 hr to reach his place. Fucking of total 30 mins
of waiting for the fucking bus to come. Zzzzzzzz. His mom made pizza! :)))))) Actually we met
up cause Kerwin wanted to do his hw, but in the end turn out zzzzzzzz.
Idk why, he doesn't want to take pictures with me............. :'( Okay daddy came to fetch me
and brought me to eat supper heheheheh! :P Okay I'm super tired now! I'll blog tmr okay!
No I mean today. It's 1 now. Will blog later! Or not! Or.............. Idk!!!!!!!!
School tmr!
xx, Justsoheartache.
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