Hey guys!!!! I'm back :D Went to Poly visit with MingFen and Don! Actually it was with
MingFen only at first haha! But Don came along too and OI DON I'M HAPPY ABOUT THAT
OK. Although I don't show it! Ohyah and it's not me choosing Poly! It's Mingfen. Her 'O's are
this year soooooooo yah. Mine is like in 2 years time.................... So I don't have to choose
one I'm just accompanying her!!!!! :/
We went to Ngee Ann Poly first! My cousin studies there! Still I think! I'm not sureeeee. But
it's too far for me to consider it. Okay lah, from what I heard is a 45 min bus ride from & to
HOUGANG (I live in SengKang), so I STILL to take Mrt back. :/ Okay lah, I think all the
Polys, I still have to take Mrt one lor, my place is superrrrrr inconvenient. Okay I shouldn't
complain cause there's Lrt and bus to compass, mini marts, food court, hahahah 4d/toto
Okay and then we took the free shutter bus back to Clementi Mrt! Than mrted to Singapore
Poly! Singapore Poly is rather nice though. Not because of the Mac lah!!!!!! But it's nice but
still far though! :/ After some of their talks I think I've somehow got a few choices which
courses I wanna go liao! Maybe interior design or maybe others but defiantly sth to do with
designing! Cut off point is 16! Which I think I could get into itttttttt. THINK.
Okay around 6-7 plus we went back! Don suggested to eat AJISAN RAMEN for dinner ;)))))
Hehe! If I wasn't on diet, I won't hesitate........... But, still, ajisan ramen :( I went hahahahaha.
There goes my dieting plan........................................... Eh, I'm super sad canzzzzz.
Awesome mochi icecream! Mine's peach and Don's choco! My all time fav!
Went to get my contact lens solution and off we went home! :) AND WTF. I was playing some
iphone game which is super addictive, Jetpack Joyride, I missed my bus stop ://// Like I
over took. :////////// First time can! Cause usually I will be super attentive cause the
place where I stop it's just like 2-3 bus stops and not a lot of ppl will be alighting there..........
At first when I look out of the bus window I'm like, the bus went wrong direction ah? Zzzzzz.
Than I found out I overshot. So I've to take longer and alight at the nearest busstop from
my house and walk homeeeeeeeeee. Okay, lesson learned.
Oh and my dear readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW ERA CAPS (REPLICA) @ $30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can check it out
@http://shoplikeagsix.blogspot.com/ or @http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shoplikeagsix/169182416503098
She left her contact number there, so you could contact her thru that number!
Hello Kitty fans! There are still other designs for you to choose!! DIFF COLOURS TOO!

Like a sweet you mei you?!?!??!?!

And not Hello Kitty fans, there are other designs too!

Those are stocks that came in yesterday! Okay lah! There's other designs too in the links
I gave above! I can't possibly post them all here!!!!!!!!!!! So check out those!
I'm tired already! I've tuition tmr in the morning and baking with Kitty prolly in the
afternoon! Maybe or maybe not posting tmr! Gonna be busy the whole next week! Bye!
xx, Justsoheartache.
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