9-12 September 2014
2D1N at Turi Beach Resort // 3D2N at Harris Hotel
(Photos from Don's camera and my iphone5)
Day 1
Met Don and Marcus right after I blogged my previous post. Didn't sleep because I was afraid I couldn't wake up haha, but wasn't tired because all the waiting for this trip got me head over heels!!!
I look like I was leaving home haha. Got crowded within the morning rush.
Spending my whole Batam trip with them while Kwan, Kerwin and the rest would join us on day 3
Coincidentally met Yeehao while we were heading to the ferry terminal at Tanah Merah
Took us quite awhile for us to get there and it was a burden to carry all our heavy bags up and down the public transports
TIP: Take a freaking cab, you spend but at least it will be comfortable and easy

Previously when we went to Batam we took the ferry from Harborfront ferry terminal but this time it was at Tanah Mereh because Turi Beach Resort is nearer from this terminal
Thank god we had a responsible Don who did all the check ins and outs for us so he's like our mummy
Our plan that was really happening

And to the ferry which was about 30-40mins to Batam terminal, probably due to the weather which caused the waves to be really choppy so it was an extremely jumpy ride. The ferry at Harbourfront terminal is better though because there's tables in the ferry for you to eat properly.

all ready for some sun
m&ms for the shaky trip
And we were there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reminder not to talk during the immigration process because Batam's rules are kind of strict for that.
There's a free shuttle bus service that will fetch you from Batam terminal to Turi Beach Resort, not long ride just maybe 15-20mins. The staff there will guide you to the bus too with the other residents.
Mosquito bites all over once I stepped into Batam. Another reminder to bring insect repellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Once we reached Turi Beach resort, wow the view just wow. Oh and we chose Turi Beach due to the high reviews and positive remarks on how beautiful the place is, so we went for it!! It is pricy though, but we got the hotel tickets on Groupon for the price of SGD99 inclusive of oneway ferry trip. And also we had to pay a deposit of S$50 in case of any damaged properties.
Lemongrass welcome drink during check in yay
We could only get our hotel at 2pm but we rushed them because we were there at freaking 8-9am so we got our rooms at noon. I think if we were patient enough to wait, we would get the sea view room though, said by the staff there.
I have a thing for these kind of rooftops haha just seeing this is so relaxing already
Smoking area and free wifi all around the lobby
And off to explore the resort!! 1st thing to the beach

I am not that short I just look short here because I was standing beside Marcus.
the beach view argh makes me want to go back there again, the water is so clear!!!!!!!!!! And there's a long bridge leading to a small hut so you can see the resort from afar

haha the backstage process

it looks beautiful in photos already, in real life trust me it's nicer IM DEAD SERIOUS

before you comment on my face here, it was because I was running and laughing haha, we took a video of us running and jumping which you will get to see in donvision (posted below this post)
to prove how clear the water is
The weather was on our side too, sure it was sunny but also windy as hell
you guys should really go visit there yourself in person because yes, it's that good and worth it. It's so pretty you just wanna get married there hahahah
Haha reminds me of Bob's Burgers where Bob is tied here hahhaah ok
bringing jackie along with me haha eee so cheesy yucks kirstie

pls just for fun i love jackie very much ok
really cannot stand my face
Went to check out on the water sports also another reason why we chose Turi Beach.
You can check out the prices here http://www.turibeach.com/facilities.php it's in SGD and yes you should pay by Sing dollars too because in Rupiah is more expensive.

from the rooftop
Explored at we went to another resort beside Turi, forgot the name but as beautiful but it looks more expensive though.
my 'mountain'
Oh and be prepared for a lot of stairs because the lift is quite a walk
Lunch before checking in to our rooms
(short break p/s: haha imagine how many photos when it's just half of day 1)

fucking dicks because i'm the joke, maybe my life and I are the joke, and only god is laughing
our room which was near and convenient for us to head to the beach and pool
King size bed yay the staffs were kind enough to bring us another single bed but nobody wants to sleep alone so ditch that
And all ready for the beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mamamiya
there's quite alot of seaweed in the sea though haha kind of gross when you swim by it or even step on it cause it feels like spiders wtf. And i always have this feeling like the seaweed could just grab you and pull you down to the sea
And due to the weather we couldn't jet ski and parasailing because of the tide going low and drizzy weather so we went for banana boat! It works like the staff there would tie the boat to the jet ski and they would ride it really fast so the boat will just follow along.
BANANA BOAT WAS AMAZING YAY. We fell off the boat twice while technically Marcus and I, Don jumped off hahahah. The first time was Marcus and I going to one side trying to make the boat overturn because Don was scared hehe. But in the end karma striked I fell and the waves dragged me to the back, but it was fun haha. I was laughing and choking on the water at the same time. And omg getting back up there was !@#!$$%&^%
So the weather was a little sad so we just chilled by the beach, not wasted though because there's still tmr!!!!!
have you ever wondered how would you look like if someone found you dead floating towards the shore
To the swimming pool
Change of plans and went over to the nearest mall for dinner, grab some drinks and to change money. OH AND IF YOU JUST BRING SGD TO TURI BEACH RESORT IS FINE TOO It's better actually because like what I said, paying in sgd is cheaper.
But for my case I only had USD with me so I just paid by rupiah since I had 3mil
Nothing much just back to our hotel for some night seeing at the little hut, it's so pretty and magical
They had some event there, probably wedding I suppose.
hey the moon followed us from singapore hehe
Some late night talks, just pity the drinks were in the fridge not in our hands.
Night talks so sad haha
Hotel for food and k.o
Day 2
Woke up late and we missed the complementary american breakfast :-( The breakfast sounds good though!!! So checked out and to the beach in the early afternoon.
Haha i look like a mess
First we tried parasailing, where they would tie a parachute on you and you'll just fly (photos will explain)
Scissors paper stone, Marcus went first, followed by Don then me. :-( I wasn't afraid at all, I was ready and goddamn excited!!!!
and poof i'm flying with the birds (p/s i dont know how the fuck sand got over to my face)
It was truly amazing. The view, the sky everything. For that moment I was a bird
hehe i was truly happy here ok
And the landing part was fun too haha. The staff there jet ski to 'save' me and he caught me from air, so I was sitting in the front of the jet ski. Untied and unhooked the safety thing blah blah. And I was stupid enough to ask 'huh i ride or you ride' so he said I could ride if I want so yay!
Don and Marcus fell into the water when they landed hehe I was the lucky one oopps.
AND JET SKI!!!!!!!!!! It wasn't hard to learn, because there was just three things to note, accelerate, off, on.
We were told we could go as far as we could so yup, didn't go so so so far though because I was scared I might see a shark or sth
Okay I shall explain this huge crack to you guys, it's kind of big actually it looks small here because it's zoomed in. So we were also told not to be too close to each other when we were riding but I guessed all of us didn't know the impact could be that huge. I stopped half way to take a photo, so Don came towards my left and he stopped his engine for around 4feet away but the waves were strong so Don's jet ski knocked mine which caused that haha which also caused him SGD550. Ouch. We had we come out with the money there because they defiantly wouldn't let us leave the place, so he paid by credit.
You might say we kena scam or sth but i don't know because Don claimed they had this chart thing with different damages and the price would follow. Oh well, at least it's not my pocket hahahahaha i'm such a nice friend
Bathed at their toilet and off to Nagoya Mall to meet Kwan who I had missed dearly!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See the road omg like a roller coaster ride haha. Oh we got this driver through Don's mum where he charges S$10/day per person and he speaks chinese and also local who studied in Singapore, so it's super safe!!!!!!

His contact here if you're interested!!
Pooled for awhile along with Marcus which was super cheap I think S$2plus for an hour? Don, Junkai and Calvin went for massage.
Teabreak at some restaurant.
The famous bak ku teh there for dinner, it's along the stretch of food in the mall itself. Near A&W if I'm not wrong.
bottoms up
And to Harris Hotel which we paid S$40 each for 3d2n yes cheap cheap and it's clean!!!!
Changed to something more comfortable and outside of the hotel for a smoke and drinks, because Harris is more clean in a sense, smoking is not allowed inside except the smoking rooms which we didn't manage to get.
AND ROOM SERVICE NOMNOMNOM. How I wish I have room service at home :-(

K.O! Don and Marcus said I sleep very chor lor (not lady like) because I was sleeping in the middle of both of them so I was facing upwards and one of my hand flew to Don while one of my leg flew to Marcus hahahaha I had a nice sleep though
Day 3
Kerwin came to join us yay! Marcus and I couldn't get out of bed so Don had to go fetch Kerwin by himself from the ferry ternimal which is only a fucking 5-10min walk away which I don't see the point in waking up = I don't fucking want to wake up = I didn't wake up.
Plan was to go for breakfast recommended by the driver and to the orphanage to visit the kids where we would be meeting Don's mum there too.
(-: my boys :-)
So the previous time I went to the orphanage when the home was just newly built and there were no kids yet, we were just there to decorate the place. And now here we are to celebrate two of their birthdays!

Sang songs and face painted for them, not much and I'm not a professional face painter duh so I just drew little miscellaneous things on their faces. I tried my best ok.
Because it might be scary for them and to explain to them how face paint works, Marcus was the guinea pig haha

Haha no choice it was the easiest to draw :-(
So the kids were interested and quite excited to get their face decorated too haha

See all the eyes I was getting, pressurising you know!!!!!!!

haha shit i think i look too fierce

haha and you see the girl in white standing beside me she's suppose to be tom&jerry's jerry opps hehe
Kerwin and his artistic flower
My smurfette which I'm proud of hehe and my Mickey mouse which I'm disgrace of
Oh and the girl on the left is being sponsored by my mum, you can check out this website for more information on how you can help
The money goes strictly to the kids and the facilities of the orphanage, donations like food, clothes, toys and books are welcome too!!!!! So if your house has any spring cleaning and some things has to go, donate them for a good cause rather than selling to the garang guni! (karma comes back around, just saying no pressure) (haha i'm kidding)
pure joy
My cutesy flower and kerwin's dramamama flower
Oh and let me explain why the fuck my mum was there, so I guess Don's, Kerwin's and my mum are great pals so my mum tagged along to check out the orphanage too, and Don's mum wanted it to be a surprise for me so I only knew when I reached. Haha but they were bummed by my reaction though, because my face was just 'meh' no reaction haha. But you don't expect me to scream when I see my mum right?????
yes i became a little tanner my face and hair can camouflage to the sand already lor win
And the highlight of the day wahahahahah GOOD SEAFOOD LUNCH YAY! Thanks Don's mum for treating nom nom nom
A short pit stop by the bridge for an amazing view
love love love love it

Seeing mummy so happy, makes me so happy too :'-) Been so long since I seen her smiled like that, and the worst part is I can't even remember. Always staying at home, thinking about our house finance and constantly worrying about the well bringing of my sister and I.
My mum truly is the best.
And to the lunch that our stomach awaits.
have i mentioned these kind of roof tops?
We went to two places, because we went to the first one but there was no prawns that day so what's seafood without prawns right? So we head to the other seafood place around the area. Both places allows you to choose your own crab, fish, prawns, style of cooking. But..... I don't know where the place is hahahahah I'm just there to eat oops
Please nobody eat that turtle :-(
2nd place
While our 3 mums went to choose yummy food we do what we do best at :-)
oh and the bridge behind was where we pit stop preiously
FOOD IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!! Not much food photos because I was hungry so I was eating ok and also Don's mum doesn't like people taking photos of food before eating so haha table manners
big ass coconut
Love love love this their black pepper crayfish. A black pepper lover here :-) Esp black papper crab hehe
Prawns, small but sweeeeeet
ya cb see Don here eat until so happy I take photos to blog, he just take my photos only ok take only just take nvm
We ordered a lot of food and we couldn't finish them haha but it was too much. Oh and if you're eating seafood at Batam, order their fried sotong because it's so yummy!!!
In Don's words we ordered 2 plates of prawns, 1 plate of black pepper crayfish, 1 plate of steamed snails, 1 plate of steamed crab, 1 plate of & chilli crab, 1 Garoupa fish, 1 plate of fried calamari, 1 plate of kai lan, 1 plate of kang kong and 7 coconuts. Which was a total of SGD200.
After lunch, mummys went back to catch their ferry so off the lambs without Mary watchin' mehhhhh
The driver actually recommended one kopitiam with nice food and cheap beer as well because we wanted a more different feel of Batam. But bummer it rained and it's a open area. So change of plans to some shopping mall for dinner.
Got carried away with the fun fair haha
And yes, the mall was empty like a ghost town so we were like the only idiots playing haha oh well cheap thrills
Haha and this static thingy which had, LOW MEDIUM HIGH but obviously go big or go home. The 3 boys went first because I pussied out due to their fucking exaggerated reactions. But I gave it a go and it wasn't THAT bad, I understand their reactions but it was really ok, can tahan one. But all of our hands became numb haha
No pain no gain
Hehe they accumulated our tickets and I got this cute clip yay :-) Going to wear this with my skeleton necklace next time hehe
Dinner at some Japanese place (wait i forgot was it the same mall, but i guess not, it's at nagoya mall) LOVE THEIR BLACK PAPPER CHICKEN NOMZ
So the night was still early and we wanted fun fun fun. The driver brought us to the 'safest' pubs with drinks, women and pool tables.
Oh and before that he also brought us around the geylang area in Batam, where women will stand by the road and offer their body. If you're interested guys would be in their cars or motorcycles and stop infront of them to bring them to the hotel or sth. AND DONT GET ME WRONG The uncle wouldn't normally bring his customers around this kind of areas it's only if they request it, it was because we brought that topic onto the table so he brought us around to explore.
So the place was okay so so I guess. Because mostly it's mean for uncles lor. Like really uncles, with hokkien songs. There's a stage lady who you can request songs to but of course it will be better to pay her if you want to request one. Because she sang Rolling in the deep for the 4 of us, but all we gave her were claps and some wooing when all she wanted was money haha.
Shared 2 jugs with Kerwin, while the other 2 had their fancy drinks, and cheers to their service there though it was good haha
The pool tables were full so we had to wait for a little while for an open table. Haha and we were like kings leh, play finish already don't need to ownself arrange the balls one, the beer ladies there will arrange for you, like literally after every match ok lor win.
Back to our hotels after buying supper!
Beehoon, Horfan, Meegoreng, Fried rice
Day 4
Didn't had any plans for this day so we had our day planned for us. Kwan, junkai and calvin came to our hotel in the morning to meet us. He brought us to more tourist kind of places like -Best homemade kueh lapis -Quality collar tshirts -Temple
Breakfast at the same place the other day. Haha kwan kept complaining everybody was looking at her thighs probably thinking her shorts is too short.
Didn't buy anything here though because duh we are kids
And I think he saw us a little bored so he suggested go kart so yay!!!!! I'm not sure where's the exact place though but you can always rely on google hehe. They have like a stretch of small shops selling pretty urban stuff!!! Kwan and I bought our mini bags there which we brought to Bangkok. It's a good place to get souvenirs too
And sorry I'm a loser at remembering things, so the prices...... I can remember they're so so, not cheap nor expensive.
They required us to wear this shower cap thing too for hygiene purposes.
Mai siao siao I call my motor gang hor
They had 2 types of go kart 1 the faster one 1 the slower one. And ya because I was a pussy and I though the fast one really can fly so I scared I die I took the slower one which was aasdfghjk slow and my engine had some problem too so argh I was like a fucking tortoise haha
Haha poor kerwin his engine was a little faulty too so he was stuck on track half way
Okay la not that slow la just the others were faster so I felt mine was slow
Done with our go kart and the driver sent us to our final destination, Batam Center shopping mall the nearest mall from the ferry terminal.
Remember his contact is on top somewhere haha
And ho seh, sick.
Don went for his massage, so Marcus, Kerwin and I were loitering around.
(side story)
So happened, when Kerwin went to the gents, to pee (duh) there was a guy masturbating to Kerwin's d*ck. So our poor Kerwin was quite grossed out because the guy was old and balding aiya, if it was a hot angmo Kerwin confirm go for it one. So we walked off AND GUESS WHAT !!!!STALKER ALERT!!!! The old guy was stalking Kerwin like legit serious. Until we found some place to hide and saw him walk off. Ok la quite interesting mah
Cigar from Junkai :-) And no, it's not nice to smoke lol
To prove that cigars it's not THAT nice to smoke
presenting to you, Marcus's face
And to our ferry! Which was uncomfortable as hell, partially because I was sick as well.
Jackie came to bring me home yay, well partially because he's a fucker. Hehe.
And the next day, THAILAND BANGKOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (next post)
And check out DONVISION feat. Turi Beach Resort :-) I can't seem to put the video here so just click the link >>
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