Take your hands off him
cause he's the only one that I have ever loved
Dear day and caught a movie with Don too at Bugis. Think it was called Haunted house, some thai horror which was scary but nah dislike the story plot. Not worth my 15 bucks ouch
Work on a Saturday. Sunday as well though. Didn't want to work because submission just ended but mummy was some in charge there and she needed people so ugh, all the things she done for us. Pulled Kwan and dear along too hehe
fucking ugly uniform opps
Was down with a slight fever so went to take a nap at Jackie's.
Terrible work day ugh got split from my work partner so I was basically alone and cold as fuck because of fever. Not like someone so happy at work, got served with food some more hor.
Dear came to accompany sick girl though I was being a little bitch opps
HARI RAYA NO SCHOOL :-) Caught Hercules which was not bad!! Wasn't exactly looking forward to it but turned out to be quite nice.
ya my boyfriend is my life hehe ok kidding kwan and don are my life too ok
And shisha at haji lane :-) Forgot which place was it but the atmosphere there was nice, very chillax kind haha or is it all shisha places are like that haha idk
*PARDON DISCLAIMER* A lot of shisha pictures because first time okay -___-
he and his Os
Love that night, thank you for that night s i l l y
Tell me shag or what
First lesson on illustrator, my happy socks hahahah I did the burger myself okay some credits pls
My dear Kwan, you're the most beautiful person in my eyes and will always be. Because we have the same genes so I'll be the 2nd beauty opps hahahah but on a serious note, you're as pretty as me OK LA. You took away all the nice features and genes lor.
eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
1st pic my final happy socks yay
2nd pic haha my first face on illustrator you guys wait until I learn from Don JUST WAIT (Cause Don will be teaching me so if anything goes wrong or my assignment turned out to be shit can blame him haha)
Flower crown day with roxxy babe
Hang laundry yay
ootd with rox lor lor lor lor
hehe she bought the flower crown for me too cause she thought of me (◡‿◡✿)
Friday & Saturday
This is one of the rare occasion where kwan and I can lepak on our bed and not care about anything but still cycle repeats where she bullies me :-(
Out with fixie kaki + Wanying - Kerwin. Finally riding my nicki
IKEA by old tampines road wah tiring haha
so so long since I last cycled. The feeling of the wind brushing against your sweaty temples.
Went home to change and off to Jackie's for stayover!!!!!
(photo spam)
'ee i dont want my forehead very ugly'
'ok i cover for you'
stupid boy wearing my leather jacket
To Don's place for him to help me to download stuff to my lappy which I have 0 knowledge about. Stupid boy late as fuck all the time.

cabbing to school everyday this week wah really burn
this is what i learn in sch to learn how to burn stuff jk burning test of different kind of fabrics
some face stretching exercise which really works
Doing Bob Marley, I mean I'm making the cartoonish version of him!
To prove that no image trace used ok OBAMA in process
bam colours
choosing of background
drawing of weed haha told kwan
'you want weed?'
'from who'
'bob marley' *send photo*
YUP AND I'M DONE! Super proud of myself having to manage to complete it quite fast and of course thanks to Don who was patient enough to teach me the tools
Dinner with Jackie yay
happy with my hat yay from kidswear at H&M
photobooth siao with mates
And finally a meetup with Jojo and Don!!! Nice nice catch up and chit chat session.
tried the thai food at Koven which was super good but super spicy. Spicy until I literally felt like crying wtf
I swear my lips are a little swollen pls, jackie say I siao
Went to Jackie's work place at amk ite to look for him hehe.
Supper at Acc Mac and did a little work there too with Darien and Kwan
kwan squeezing my blackheads
fucking hilarious darien's eyebags
cannot stand it
moon hahahahha
i look fucking ugly wtf
forehead game strong ear gauge game strong
kwan and i were laughing at ourselves like historically. serious
Out with Jackie for movie and fireworks. Caught 7500 which totally sucked, okay it was scarier than expected but didn't really fancy the storyline or is there even a storyline at all nvm.
We caught the fireworks hmm like half of it hahahhahaha
So happy national day?? Haha both of us so patriotism wear black :-S
To hougang for dinner/supper with peeps
No photos during dinner but it was nice and pretty lovely
Nua day with pimple boy yay
Yup I'm guessing it's going to be a really hectic next 2 weeks right before my long holiday!!! Can't wait for all the holidays I'll be going with Kwan, Jackie and friends yay.
More than contented.
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