I should have kissed you longer
Just like the old days off to Anchorvale CC to study.
kwan looks cute here
fav cam effect eva
Lunch at TGIF with daddy's side family for belated mother's day celebration.
A little weird eating at TGIF with them though. Usually family lunching/dinning will be at some Chinese restaurant? I expected dim sum but oh well TGIF was okay so so I guess.
1st picture pointing to Marcus work place.
Haha and 2nd picture it's for the halloween horror night audition at USS :-( I really wanted to scare people though but most of my friends want to get scared gather than scaring. Well, to be fair they didn't go to USS Halloween Horror night before too, so maybe hopefully next year when they experienced whats it's like to get scared, WE CAN GO SCARE >;)
Re wear because I love this dress
Kwan's snap chats
No CCA because other schools were getting ready for term test.
My butterfly and Rox house fly
And finally 3 fucking wire sculptures THEY WERE SO TEDIOUS TO DO AND TIME CONSUMING OMG
ya la credits don la
silly friends created this picture haha. Wanying said she was in bus 72 and rozanne said she was under it so this happened. And no idea how I got involved but I was on top.
Went back to sengkang after school and chilled by myself a little while waiting for my 1st driving practical lesson. WHICH WAS TOTALLY AWESOME. IDK IT GAVE ME THE HIGH WHENEVER I STEP ON THE FREAKING ACCELERATOR HAHA. The instructor was saying go slower go slower hahaahaahah. But he was nice :-) Can't wait for 2nd lesson!!!!
Off to buffet with Don and Kerwin
so hungry we ate our bottoms. bottoms hehhehehehehee bottoms
Good food with great company
Fucking HATE city hall, once there's a toilet cleaning YOU CAN'T FIND ANY FREAKING TOILETS ALREADY. And we had to go to another part of the mall for the toilet.
i am a star
Class coordinated day: Floral
Dug out my old dress which I wore in sec 2 surprisingly I still am able to fit wtf haha
Totally wrong outfit ever. Came out not knowing that the crop tank that I wore has really really really big armpit holes so my whole back up to my waist were visible ugh it's like just wearing the sheer outerwear terrible
Rox being rox when I was writing my name on my finally completed paper sculpture
Supposed to be the skyline of NY, I mean it is la just don't look like? And didn't want the whole thing to be black so I added a little 'drippy' effect as though the city is melting.
Project with Roz and Kaying
because someone needed a little cheering up to do
back to basics
just getting started on our final submission
coincidental blue demin and white top with Kaying
Darlene white blue too
Something interesting we did in LEAP was that we were suppose to write a phrase or statement that we feel passionate about and want to share with everybody. So I wrote 'People with tattoos are not bad people' Also just in the morning of that day mummy was telling me how much she despise me and all that, it affected me quite a lot and made my morning really really bad but sigh....... not blaming mummy just blaming society
Back to MFM for a visit!!!!!!!!!! :-) Cannot believe I'm saying this but it was kind of fun working there after all.
favourite aunty <3
Off to cine for movie with Marcus
M.A.L.E.F.I.C.E.N.T Awesome awesome movie haha inspirations for this years halloween!!!!!!!!!
Some mini booth at cine promoting the movie which I watched with Kwan Kasey and Kylie (below)
A little bit shopping and walking and talking. Short short night with them but it was still enjoyable :-)
tried the chipmunk effect on my tattoo hahhahah
Love love love my mandala with this effect haha and kwan loving hers too hahaaha p/s its just for fun
Up in the freaking morning to choose my CDS shit because everybody had to be kiasu and book a place before no slots left.
Project date with Rox and Kaying for our daddy Issey
freaking did this mostly myself ok
Dinner at some thai place near NAFA Thanks don for the intro hahahaahahh
Came home to john having a rough night so allowed him to lay on our bed a little while and...........
he fell asleep in my arms hehe like a baby. Normally he would walk out of my arms because of my body heat, he prefer lying on my blanket instead but this time he slept :-)

Out with Kylie and Kwan kwan for a midnight movie!!!!!!!!!
pizza hut
Chilled a little while waiting for the movie to start
Kwan and Kylie said I should try out center parting but....... sigh. Mummy said its not nice though
Kasey came a little later to join us!
Back home to complete my 1/4 of board for project which we were supposed to do a presentation about an Asian designer! I'm super proud of my board hehe
White dress code and so happened we all wore dresses.
Combining all our 1/4 together! I think it went well ya???????? :-&
Super long long loooooooong day.
So sewing in the morning at 9:00am-12:00pm, which I tried completing most of the things and as fast I could because I would be missing 2 sewing classes, and because I rushed I end up screwing up which totally fucked me up :-/ Skipped Desfun class and rushed to ask for confrontation.
So SALVO DRUMS DAY 1 at 12:00pm-6:00pm which it's a workshop thing and no stay over. Will elaborate more below!
7:00pm Met up with Sebelle to do a little work and off to Punggol to meet the rest at 9:00pm for Marcus surprise!
SHOTS x16 EVERYBODY shirt from DODT which was recommended by Shirmaine :-) Got another shirt from there too which will be belowwww
At 11:58pm haha
11:59pm Ding dong and 12:00am Happy birthday to yaaaaaa Marcus :-)
Cake which Josie bought at Chocolate Origin which was awesomely chocolaty :-)
1:00am daddy came to fetch me back home. Super long day and finally home to K.O at 3:00am and pack my bag for camp!!!!!!!!
Salvo Drums camp days!!!!! So basically I will have to skip classes because design schools holidays are more different from the other schools, yes a little unfair but I really like the cca so oh well. And it's submission dates so I'll have to just chiong all the way on Thursday night.
Day 1 was the day before which was the workshop where they assigned us to our groups too. (Camp photos posted on facebook which obviously are not from me)
my awkward face hahahahahhahahaha now i finally know what it looks like
And no i don't wear this nice to camp it's just that i have school that day
awkward face 2 haha
awkward ice breaking games
I really don't know what was I looking at I swear I can't remember too damn haha
Our group XIA. Which stands for summer. There's 4 groups CHUN XIA CHEW DONG, Spring Summer Autumn Winter :-)
Socks for the next day I was blue blue blue
Morning warm up ugh and I swear training is getting stresser more stuff to remember more stuff to play
i totally regret this shot............................... fuck i look fucking stupid
Drum maintenance where we have to paint drums duh haha
I swear why do I look so fucking stupid all the fucking time I swear for fucks sake
forfeit I had to do like a 'pole' dance thing :-/
Night games which were really fun haha :-)
night games where fun fun fun and also competitive as hell there was two girls who wanted to strangle me hahahahha wts
Haha they said we had to do PT in the morning and I was worried because I didn't have any sports attire or such but in the end we just played captain ball chey haha. Which also I really miss because it has been really really long
for once i think i don't look stupid here
And changed to our salvo drums shirt :-)
3rd place for some score stuff
haha is it easy to spot me :-P
Camp was alright, kind of fun :-) Guess I made more friends haha, don't regret going though.
Came back home and duh I was tired but still I had to chionggggg my des fun assignment which had to be completed the next day at 1pm :-(
got my caffeine and snacks ready
Topic it's about MEMORIES so I decided to do a doll which planned to come out creepy but it came out looking like a girl instead which was fucked -___- Should have stick to the monsters under my bed drawing :-/
Side track opps
still thinking about how to do the eyelashes
Okay so the different colours for my doll it's supposed to be, the left side giving you the peaceful and lovely kind of feel but the right side giving you the eerie creepy kind of feel??? idk but you feel it???? :-/ oh well i tried
I spent 10hrs, 7pm to 5am on this shit okay :-/ And I had to be in school at 7am for sewing lessons taught by Sebelle hahaha my partner :-) So no sleep lor win liao
Oh and I had to give a 100 words statement bullshit so I wrote (inspired by Don's true story) 'When I was 5 I really adored this doll I had which I could only get it by crying and screaming stubbornly on the floor of the mall.' And the rest it's just stupid stuff about the colours and what of.
Submission is over high 5 all around :-D
Sewing submission at 12pm too chiongggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
haha and if you ask why are the sleeves like this, it was 'meant for purpose'
Happy girls haha
Sewing assignment 1
Sewing assignment 2
Sewing assignment 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And proper photo of desfun submission with better background
And some of my portfolio art pieces :-)

1st piece of shading of styrofoam at least you can tell it's an object ok

my fruits and vegessss

room perspective
So first submission in poly well........ everybody has been........ I mean it's really different from secondary school like in sec school your friends would have your back and help you with some stuff but here you're like on your own man. Seriously on your own, if you have someone lucky for you.
Thought I would be going home straight after submission to sleep but out with Kwan for a little shopping and catch up time hehe :-)
Oh and mummy got me a iphone 5s yay yay :-D
Met up peeps for FAULT IN OUR STARS.
TOTALLY EXCITED ABOUT IT BEFORE THAT. Was begging Don to watch it with me during the premiere but in the end bad bad timing so.... oh well ITS WORTH THE WAIT
movie routine to bring gong cha :-)
So............ THE MOVIE IS AMAZING. I cried through out the movie, yes not elaborating, through out. Don't want to spoil anything for you, but I spoilt it myself because I've already read the book. But the book is amazing which lead me to tears after.
Haha can you tell we've just cried
And off to Clarke Quay for Marcus advance celebration!!!!!!!!! And also to celebrate the holidays I guess. Was a last minute thing so sorry for being under dressed with slippers wtf :-(
Yee hao had to do this for his project stuff about discrimination
a little bit lost and vexed at first not knowing which bar/pub to go to
finally found one which wasn't too bad I guess it's chinese plus english live band so oh well at least the singers can sing!
Cocktails for the 1st round
Their smoked duck pizza which was not bad :-)
So duh cocktails weren't enough
Hoegaarden Rosee for the 2nd round
Someone is a little tipsy
haha not glam at all
Decided to switch bars so on our way to china town because shisha didn't work out
Beers from cheers for the 3rd round
Got a little lost around chinatown, but still managed to find the stretch of pubs. Initial plan was supposed to go to Tetric a gay bar i think but change of plans and went to the pub beside it instead. Which was..................... a little too techno for me I guess. 4th round of beer.
Chilled at some coffee shop at the opposite. It was really indeed eye opening. In a good way defiantly.
5th round of nothing.
And off to take first train home!
I love it how different the night and the day are. How different the atmosphere, how empty it is during the night yet bustling with people during the day.

Long long long night but amazing as hell. I NEED MORE NIGHTS LIKE THIS I NEED A LIFE
Off to our own ways, went to find kwan who was out at night as well
my eyebags got treasure
tired girls back home to bed
Accompanied Roxanne for her tattoo session
Met up with Rozanne for dinner and a little chit chat session after
The other DODT shirt :-)
lonely night without kwan home
Woke up at 7pm because was watching skins till the 9 in the morning how the fuck right, no idea.
Ikea with Kwan for late late dinner :-) Bad bad night but ikea food made it better I guess
Fooling at Ikea and Giant
won't look down won't open my eyes
huge ass ice cream
fucking kwan
another lonely night without kwan home
but its ok i have cereal with me
Errands with Kwan, and chit chat sessions with Kylie and Kasey!
kwan's wanna shit face
Always always always love outings with my girls :-)
Off to meet peeps for some timbre action!!!!!
Our first drinks.
Didn't managed to book or reserved a table at timbre so we walked in which eventually we got a table didn't have to queue too long because we went at 7.30ishpm, wanted to head to Clarke Quay Timbre but it should be even more crowded so nope to Bras Basah instead,
1st photo don't know why I look like i'm crying though, think i was laughing too hard
I like my margarita lime and frozen
2nd cock-----------tail hahahahaa shit sry
OMG LET ME GET STARTED ON THE PIZZA. ITS AMAZING. We ordered 1/2 smoked duck 1/2 seafood. Smoked duck was smokin, seafood tasted like tako balls though but its nice :-)
Kerwin sent this hahahaha
same same but different, one with alcohol one without
anybody needs something to get blow call him opps
Found a really cool shop at the Cathay, blog about it next time
Thanks for the night guys <3
The Sun loved the Moon so much he died every night just to let her breath.
Once during a time when the earth was simple, the Sun shone brighter then anything. The people were grateful and rejoiced every time the Sun shone. He brought them joy and warmth, he was even the source of their warmth.
But he was lonely, all by himself in the vast skies. He would look down at the people dancing in his radiance and wonder if he was simply destined to a life of solitarily. That was the price he paid for being the brightest, he reasoned.
Then there was the Moon. As the Sun grew weary and began to disappear, she would rise into the sky, flanked by millions of stars. Her radiance was a sad kind of beauty, one that went unnoticed as the people slept. The Stars watched her with wishfulness, hoping that one day they could get close enough so she wouldn't feel so empty. But they couldn't. The Moon was untouchable, surrounding herself with a blanket of darkness through the cold nights.
Until one day when the Sun was sliding out of the heavens, he caught a glimpse of her. She was peeking up, a rare side of her being exposed to the light. And while the Sun could shine, he knew the Moon could glow, and a faithful whisper trumped an arrogant shout any day.
So just as the Stars were wandering into the night, the Sun fell in love like a snowball hurdling down a mountain. How he wished to see her more than the fleeting moments he shared with her at both dawn and dusk. But the Moon was untouchable. Incurable. Unforeseeable.
"Go," she whispered to him one of those nights, her voice as sweet and sorrowful as the last light of morning, "Go and let me breathe, for you and I have decided fates. You illuminate the day, and I cast a glow on the night. We will never be. Our connection would go against what all the people believe, all they know." During the summer he would stay a little longer just in case she could change his mind. It was no use.
"Don't you dare abandon your blessing of light for my darkness." Those were the last words the Moon was strong enough to speak to the Sun.
you're the sun and i'm the moon
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