hehe hi guys I'm back from Batam! A fun short get away trip with Don, Kerwin, Marcus :) Oh and Don's mum as well haha.
And why Batam? Originally the trip was suppose to be a voluntary trip to help out in the new orphanage which Don's mum built it, like she bought the land and hire people to build it. So we still went there but just extended the trip for a little shopping as well.
Couldn't sleep that night because body clock was so screwed up and only mange to sleep at 5.40, had to wake up at 6am to prepare and meet the boys at 7! Haha kwan too had her body clock messed up so she stayed up till I left home :)

Had to carry this big ass bag filled with colour pencils and crayons for the orphanage. Haha why so many? Because I loved drawing when I was young and mummy always buy me lots and lots of colour pencils because I always requested new ones. So here it is all piled up, since I don't draw much anymore.
It was a Friday so I had to squeeze with the school and work crowd.
Met them at the mrt, Don's mum met us at the harbor instead because her car was filled with more stuff to bring there so she couldn't fetch us there.
tired yet excited haha, didn't dare to bring my prada so Wanying's gift from Bangkok helped :)
Met up with Don's mum and her friend and off to the ferrrrrryyyyyyyy!
Because Don's mum said it's not safe there and didn't want me to wear shorts to get unwanted attention I suppose, so it would be crazily hot to wear jeans so I took my mum's leggings hahaha which made me look like my mum and from Kerwin's view, pregnant. mother fucker
I'm super proud of myself because I didn't over pack anything haha because i tend to over pack for most of my holidays so yay me
our ferry
selfie with ferry to send to my family whatsapp group haha
And we are offfffffffff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ferry was bumpy but thank god I didn't have any sickness that day, maybe thanks to the help of sour skittles haha. Thought of taking a short nap in the ferry which was an hour ride but coming to think of it I would be extremly tired after that, so skip that. Played 2048 through the jounery haha.
Got a little curious with people keep going out of the ferry and coming back in, probably smoke breaks. But the door said it was for crew members only. But fuck it hahahah Kerwin and Marcus were napping so went to check it out with Don.
'there is nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shore line, no matter how many times it is sent away.'
Marcus came to join afterwards
almost reaching
Haha again because Don's mum felt unsafe and want me to tie up my hair so close eonugh haha
Met their frequent chauffeur there to give him some stuff to bring to the orphanage first. Then because the harbor was near to our hotel we walked there. Not long just about 5 min?
Haha because I asked Don to help me take a photo with the building behind me but he took it too closely, so ya my reaction, why so close??
Our hotel, Harris Hotel which is the 'cleanest' hotel according to Don.
Our welcome tea, ginger tea which was sweet and refreshing haha
Their mini infinity pool which we didn't get a chance to swim because we didn't have the time to
Our room! With two single bed which we connected them. And Don's mum had connecting rooms with us haha
Haha big hug :)
our hotel room's view :)
selfie by the window
selfie in the toilet
selfie with the whole mirror
Haha my first ever 'sports shoe' because Kwan was buying in bulk for her friends too so it was cheap so I joined in hahaha at least it's pink
The nice chauffeur came to pick us up and to a shopping center for shopping and lunch!
I think we went to a mall called Nagoya Shopping Mall.
Cheers to the first meal in Batam
Lunch at some bak ku teh shop :)
Haha don't really fancy buk ku teh because I'm not a fan of any pig or pork intestines so I just chose minced meat and lean meat I think haaha
how to differentiate Singaporeans and Indonesians haha
Did a little shopping, didn't buy much for myself because nothing I really wanted but I bought stuff for mummy, godma and kwanny. And went to check out their supermart which is awfully cheap too.
Went back to the hotel to drop some stuff and our freaking S$32 baileys and went to another shopping mall which was near to our hotel too :)
Don's mum had to run some errands in the orphanage so she left us at a safer mall, Mega Mall Batam Centre which is an overhead bridge away from batam harbor.
Didn't shop much but we ate a lot. a lot a lot a lot.
A&W root beer float which got me pretty darn excited and high I think sugar rush hahha
Went for their manicure pedicure because it was cheap. But because I wanted the 3D nail art the price was still alright, not cheap but not expensive. But defiantly cheaper than Singapore.
So I went for just express manicure and 3D art, Don and Marcus went for the classic manicure and pedicure, Kerwin went for full body massage with his requested male masseuse haha
can you see the 3d haha
Hmm guess it's alright but I really like the flowers. Haha wanted those pretty diamonds on the nails but I have to pay extra :( So nah. Haha btw now all the flower petals and cherries already dropped out only my left pinky is the only one standing. Hmm shows how chor lor I am.
Met Don's mum and everybody else at the hotel and went to a seafood place which was a 45-50min ride. Super exhausted so I fell asleep half way.
Reached a place which was super down hill and ulu. It's actually beside the sea shore, but because we arrived too late we couldn't see much view and it's just pitch black.
giant ass coconut haha kwan would really love this the coconut flesh inside is soft and not hard to scoop out!
to show you how big it is
The food there was alright, the sweet and sour and spicy prawns were nice, and their calamari!!! It's like thick and crispy on the outside but it's super QQ inside haha. Their vegetables we not bad too. But still, I prefer the seafood in Malaysia compared to Batam!
to proof how dark and ulu is the place. haha we thought the driver could have brought us to sell damn
The trip back was more eye opening. We were surrounded by motor cycles, in front, behind, left and our right were all motor cycles when we stopped at the red light. Like I'm not kidding they're all around us. And also we saw a lady selling newspaper on the roads and there was one guy who came up to our car and sang with his ukulele till the driver gave him money.
But it's normal, in the more run down areas, kids will go knocking on your windows. Didn't experienced that though.
Went back to Mega Mall for some late night shopping for snacks and food.
Marcus likes to advertise things I just realise
And crazy Marcus and Kerwin were still hungry after the seafood dinner went back to a&w for chicken and rootbeer float.
Back to the hotel, felt so so so good after my bathe because of one whole day of sweating.
cute hotel slippers haha
supper j.co don's treat haha
Gold fish, black jack and Indian poker. Everybody got a little high at drinking and I guess we started to laugh a lot haha. And yes although it was just the 4 of us it was fun. At least nobody got drunk and puked all over so it was all good :)
Crashed the bed sang some songs and slept.
haha and because it was so hot, kerwin went to the floor and slept there instead because it's more spacious and cooler.
Woke up at 7am by Don's alarm so I hit him with the bolster to get him up so I went back to sleep after that. Because Don was supposed to shower first, then Kerwin, me and lastly Marcus.
And good freaking morning
daddy's shirt
Had a rather heavy breakfast in the morning. Haha no I didn't just eat the cereal I ate sth heavy before that too haha.
It was a long trip too. We went to the newer estate of Batam where there are more newly weds couples because if they went to the old neighbor people mightt pick on them. So all the new couples came here to start a new neighborhood :) And the orphanage is just right on top.
Was suppose to actually go to Batam earlier and paint the newly built house but because we delayed the trip everything was already done so what we could only do was to decorate the home a little bit.
For the boys dom
And because the weather was rally excruciating, the room was super stuffy as well, we were sweating our way through while putting up the stickers.
For the girls dom
Wish I could have done more though. Hope my colour pencils helped haha. Would defiantly come here again someday, maybe when the kids are brought in.
Back to Mega mall AGAIN for another round and shopping and timezone haha.
Bumper cars :)
Wanted to take neoprints but it was spoilt though :(
Oh and yes, the timezone was really big. There's even a merry-go-round those vintage kind which I wanted to sit haha
scary ass clowns
Had pizza hut for lunch/dinner, Don's mum's treat. The pizza hut there was different though, there's the famous shepherd pie which is not too bad. But still I prefer singapore's one haha.
Had our last chance to buy food back to singapore, haha Marcus, Don and Kerwin bought a lot of food and stuff but I didn't cause I was really broke and had 0 rupiah so I could only buy 3 Roti O' home for mummy daddy and kwan. :( And we were almost late so we rushed to the ferry port.
and to the ferry back :(
Don's treat for strabucks. Their venti there is like 5bucks?
And.............. an hour later.............. Singapore. Don's dad came to fetch all of us home. Thanks uncle and aunty for this trip and taking care of us :)
Sad faces
So that's all how I spent my 2D1N in Batam! Short but memorable :)
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