Hi guys I'm back from my 6D5N Royal Caribbean, Mariner of the Seas trip AGAIN. And all I can say is, double the experience DOUBLE THE FUN.
Not comparing which trip is better, but both of the trips (1 with my cousins/family and another with my friends) are different experiences. Both are equally memorable! Okok, can't wait to share this trip with you guys haha.
So we were planning to go on this cruise alone without any parents but unfortunately because Kwan, Don and Kerwin are not 18 yet (totally not blaming anybody here) they can't go solo so they need a guardian and I can't be their guardian because the guardian has to be 21 or above so daddy kwan and mummy kwan came along. blah blah blah leggo
(Photos from Don's and Kwan's camera! Thanks for uploading them Dong.)
Day 1 2nd of March, Sunday
Up in the morning and did a little last minute packing before heading to the harbor!

Met Don and Kerwin with their parents at the harbor which well isn't that awkward at all because mummy is a social butterfly she kept talking non stop haha

Oh and it was Kwanny's birthday too! Anika and Thurraya came to surprise her at the place where we were suppose to check in. But they were a little late and we already went through the bag check section so, they can't come in and we can't go out so............

got people waiting behind hah so yup this is why

mummy's 3rd time on this cruise

supposed to be waving but because i have no hands i raised my phone haha

photos stole from the cruise photographer because we too kiasu to pay

Lunch was crowded as usual but we managed to get a table. The food is the same though, completely the same nothing changed haha.

To our rooms! Kwan and I had 1 room, Don and Kerwin had another and mummy daddy had 1. Mummy and daddy's room are quite far from ours though, while both of our rooms are connected, just a door away woohoo. You can see it in Don's DONVISION haha *ahem* promote for you

hey ;)

typical kwan of what she would do when she sees a bed
Don in Kwan's heels

Haha really love how the wind made my skirt flow, like abit princess feel lor hahahaha okay la I purposely wear a long skirt so that it can flow with the wind

another cruise next to ours looks sth like the x factor haha

solo pic because me likey ;)

fashion run way

Really chilled day and time were on our side because we are not in hectic beehive singapore and it's only the 1st day on cruise, so we took things slowly haha

The casino! Which was super pretty. Remind me of one of the percy jackson show though, where they were 'hypnotize' by all the fun and stuff and forgot about time and whatsoever haha



Nom nom nom nom

After dinner went for free arcade yay yay haha played with Don the air hockey play until the round thing can play to the floor hahah I'm a sore loser bleh
Went to the top of the deck for some photo shoot but eventually failed because duh it was too windy hahha wayyyyyy too windy because it didn't make my skirt flow side to side, it made my skirt flew up up up hahah wtf.
Gave up and went to lay down and see the stars, it was a nice moment but I really couldn't enjoy it because my hair was flying everywhere to my mouth nose eyes ears

Was pleased with Kwan's reaction because she didn't suspect anything at all. Haha did all the balloons without Kwan knowing (obviously) how you might wanna know hah because........ we are ninjas.
A little failed at the part when don and kerwin was suppose to pop the party pooper though, don didn't know how to pop it so he threw the whole damn stick at kwan -___- ok anyways peace don peace


1st picture: ready set....
2nd picture: throw!!!!!!

Don claims this picture looks like we got caught by our parents while doing sth wrong haha

really really love the colours

If you're thinking poor house keeper how is he going to clean up our room, no worries! Because we picked it all up haha (most)

After surprise, showered because all the confetti were stuck on our bodies haha and went for supper!!

sweater weather cuddle weather teehee

And a super short drinking session with the boys and K.O
Day 2 3rd of March, Monday
Couldn't wake up today because bloody hell it was so cold and the bed was comfortable as hell :( Can really fight with my own bed at home haha
Woke up with lunch served to me ^~^ i love my sister and friends haha

how tired i am :( (1)

So basically to describe this day was cruise hopping where we went hunting for different places in the cruise
Part 1: The Chapel of Romance

quack lor

how tired i am :( (2)

tan tan tan tan tan tan tan tan
mua mua mua

sorrie kwan i just must

different cutie but look at his arms haha credit Don

haha ahma behind kerwin keeps looking at him judging-ly because he was behaving inappropriately

Part 2: The Meeting Lounge of Boredom

haha it was empty so we made it useful haha

because I can

Part 3: The Hidden Corners of Mystical Seas
our vogue shots hahhaaha wtf

Part 4: The Toilet of the Fantastica

because toilet pretty must camwhore

haha kwan actually thought this was the exit door but this was the handicap toilet
super love my embroidered blouse which I bought from carousell :)

haha because a girl gotta do what shes gotta do in the toilet

pretty cloudless sky

And our adventure of the cruise ends with the final part 5: Food of Para para paradise

haha yesh 2 broke girls playing behind me on the tv
kerwin looking as hiao as ever kwan looking as sweet as ever

2014 vs 2013

for the last time i am not short she is wearing heels pft

Went to the dragon's lair which is a somewhat bar/club? Sort of la because there is a dance floor as well as seats for you to chill. Was kind of uneasy at first because I can't and don't dance and I'm not the party type of gal (yes gal deal with it) but still we gave it a shot.
One uncle was dancing happily on his own like he don't care if he was the only one at the dance floor. Sooooo I went to join him haha NOT BECAUSE I'M DESPERATE OR SUCH I just danced with him with a great generous amount of space between us, so no wrong ideas. I wanna make this clear first before you see donvision!
But shortly after a group of friends of our age (I guess) came to join us and yay our own mini dance party. It was fun at first la but after awhile the mix of songs was quite meh and beat wasn't so good so I got quite sian also haha or maybe cause I didn't have any alcohol in my system haha or maybe cause I don't have any dance moves to flaunt. ok

Left awhile after for a drink and snacks. Back to our rooms with supper and some conversation creator card game which I feel that it was rather nice.



selfless: the cutest of the cutest
random picture of me being the cute me in their life jacket :)
Day 3 4th of March, Tuesday
Was dragged out of bed by Kwan as usual I could really get used to it sigh
bad bad hair day because my hair straightener wasn't working because the cruise's plug voltage wasn't enough

Mummy say take picture of the car in case we kena scam and if he runs away hahaha
Cabbed to some hotel and made our way down on our own to street shops to shopping centers to ulu places to wherever

We walked almost of the entire Pattaya for 3 hours or so but there's nothing much for me to shop though because a lot of shops sell the same things so it gets boring over time and you get sick of digging for good stuff haha. But on the other hand Kerwin was happy with his buys and while Don had a disappointed written all over his face.
Aiya or maybe we went to the wrong places haha we didn't want to go on tour though because we wanted free and easy so I guess this is one of the disadvantages. Thinking positively it was good exercise haha and kind of eye opening.

they have alot of these mini vans that sells cocktails and stuff which are really predddddy. except this one isn't selling booze, it's a sch bus haha

ignore don, look at the hair beside him though, wanted to do that like maybe just a few strands (not whole head of course) but mummy didn't allow me to :(

let me take you to Pattaya ok? :)

goddamn amazing yellowcorns they smell really good hahaha so corny get it corn corny ok

Rest for a little while to catch the sunset, I'm not really a sunrise sunset kind of person so oh well. But it was pretty la, the gradient of the colours of the sky and all that.

if you look closely above the red mark theres a mini rainbow teehee

Walked along the streets to find a food place!

the fried rice was good! Especially for egg lovers, you can taste the savory of the eggs when you put that first spoon of rice into your mouth.
Walked a little more because more shops are opened at night.

haha wanted to try the different kind of insects but we chickened out :(

And cruise sweet cruise. <3

there were no more towels so we had to share one :(

Supper and lights off at 4-5.
Day 4 5th of March, Wednesday
Woke up by myself (somewhat) because I had a nightmare :( Which was scary as hell and I dare not fall back asleep because I fear I might dream about it again boohoo
Super slack day because we had nothing to do and the events are all kind of boring. We ate a lot and nua a lot. Although there's nothing much we can do in the cruise, doing nothing here is better than doing nothing at home, and even better than working
Okay la maybe there's stuff to do but mostly is requires money, like arcade, casino and booze so meh, I should have studied my driving book but so lazy until I don't feel like doing anything

Went for cloudy chance of meatballs 2 at the pool deck, thought it was like a air conditioned place that they were showing thats why the long sleeves zzz but aiya lazy to change

Back to the room to bathe because we haven't wash up yet because we were late for cloudyyyy but we did brush teeth, well I did idk about the rest hahaha
vogue shot again

The helipad! Which I didn't manage to go to last cruise

after a few 'DON FUCK OFF' solo pic hahahha

medusaaaaa i will make you into stone mwhahaha

or not

after helipad hair shot ha

Went back to our room to prepare for fine dining haha yep again.

After dinner went to some pool party but it was lame so we gave it a miss and went to dragons lare to have a mini photo shoot section because the dj was at the pool side so there were nobody there.

Don and Kwan both brought their tripod along so Don placed one at one angle, Kwan another angle. So yup we might be looking at different directions because of that haha

double the flash

Head back to the pool deck for a single mingle party which was equally as meh because majority was just watching not partying. Went to the pool deck to camwhore!!!!!!

almost but nope haha

fail micheal jackson pose shot

We're spinning btw if you haven't notice

Back to our room for goldfish and baccarat with Maggiesssssssss! And a mini dance section.

Slept at 5, super unhealthy having to wake up so early and only going to bed after the wee hours :( sigh nvm go home can sleep haha
Day 5 6th of March, Thursday
Woke up for late lunch with mummy and daddy.

idk why it looks so red here but it was just lip bum

mummy fav guy haha

big balls pants

mummy bought 1 set each for all of us :)

This is one set and for every one colour is one game, so there's a total of 4 games. It's a different kind of bingo we normally play, like those one straight line and stuff. This one we have to achieve a pattern, like they will give us a shape and we have to have that shape to win. I hope you understand haha

And for the different colours, the blue one is the easiest (least prize money) the red is the hardest (most prize money) and whenever you are just 1 number easy to bingo, you have to stand up and people can be very competitive so everybody will boo you :(

And............. Among the so many people, and people buying so many sets to win free money, I WON :D With only 1 set :P The shape that we are suppose to form is a L, so I had it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Supposingly if there was more then 1 winner per game, they have to split the money. But for the 3rd game, the one I won, I was the only winner :) So I didn't have to split any money!!!!! :D

Yup and I won 236 US dollars :D Beginner's luck haha

Back to our room for fine dining, yep through out the whole cruise trip we ate fine dining every night hahahaa.
fuck my face really fat until tabuleh tahan cb man

wtf don you look like you have lipstick on and it's fucking creepy

daddy not in the picture because he was feeling unwell and went back to his room alr

Went to a farewell party and mummy bought us cocktails :) But went back to her room to take care of dad :/

After our drink we went to the dance floor because the party was good :) And the singer was amazingly good as well!
Went to another party at the dragon lair, the farewell dj party haha

so more booze opps

The party was crazy totally different from the last party we had here, maybe because there were more young adults at that time opps I think we were the youngest haha. And it was fun fun fun!!!!!!!!!!! We met some new friends too haha which was pretty nice :)

(not our photo) spot kwan behind photo bombing!

And third round of cocktails
Went for supper at our usual pizza place haha. Met the people from the party, and we chilled and hang out together for the whole night haha because we weren't planning on sleeping.
Chilled at this cruise staff hang out spot where there's booze too but more for the staff inside, because Hoseh and Eissa (both Filipinos) know the staff there so they are somewhat allowed to chill there?
And went to the helipad which was the greatest decision EVER. There were SO SO SO MANY STARS. As though the whole sky had little little diamonds!! The view was really incredible and the breeze was cool and steady, not too windy not too still, that exact atmosphere was perfect. Sang and chilled there for a little while, and we bid the beautiful stars goodbye.
Went to their rooms to play some card games and hang out which was fun :) Not so for Kerwin and Don I guess haha.
Left their room about 5 plus I guess, and back to our doms to get ready for the morning.
That night passed too fast......
Beautiful, crazy and memorable night in my entire life.
Went to catch the sunrise, there was a little but mostly cloudy duh because it was singapore already.

kwan still in party mood while the rest of us half dead already

Had our last meal here and..................... goodbye cruise.

And home sweet home......................
Dear Kwan, Don and Kerwin,

Thank you guys for this memorable and lovely 6D5N at cruise, now all we have left are photos and memories. And I hope I would never forget all those moments we had because these kinds of memories are so damn precious. I have no regrets at all for this trip because just laying around in our rooms with each other is nice too. Sigh why so sad right?!?!? There's more to come right haha! :) Cheers to the beginning of partying, of friends, of fate, of luck, of yourself and of life. Love you guys.
p/s: do check out DONVISION by Don(obviously) a cruise video will be uploaded soon!!!! I'll share on facebook about it, stay tune for Don's awesome video editing skills hahahhaha
Cruise video:
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