Hey guys omg I've got so many stuff going on now but I don't have the time to blog!!!! So I'll blog about what happened recently after my 'o's (some before) and I'll come back soon again to blog about my cruise trip which I just came back from!
11 Nov Monday
Went for another job interview with the rest for Mark and Spencer job through an agency which we didn't get the job in the end where they didn't even fucking bother calling us back. Went to an office some where around raffles which was kind of odd for us to fit in there so it was a little awkward because we didn't dress smartly for the interview also.
Having meeting haha. Quickly took this picture when the lady is not in the room.
Suppose to meet mummy for lunch and appointments but had to cancelled her in the end for another interview which we would be heading straight to M&S. Lunched at 313
Interviewer was a bitch. Whatever. Met Kerwin for Thor @ Cine and some of the rest went back.
Spot the pretty boy behind us hahahahaha
Went to Shawn's place for mahjong session!! Coincidentally Garrick's birthday too.
One of the Saturdays of POA tuition where we coincidentally all wore white. I think it was the last POA tuition too.
Random but old photos *.* Mummy said that my first word that I said wasn't mama or mummy or daddy but it was...... flower. haha you don't need to know but oh well.
Random but old photos *.* Mummy said that my first word that I said wasn't mama or mummy or daddy but it was...... flower. haha you don't need to know but oh well.
15 Nov Friday
Went to sign up for MBS banquet that Rozanne introduced because all of us couldn't find a stable job so we went ahead with a more flexible one.
15 Nov Friday
Went to sign up for MBS banquet that Rozanne introduced because all of us couldn't find a stable job so we went ahead with a more flexible one.
Registration was a success duh. Chilled a little at starbucks. They don't have my favourite Salted Caramel Mocha Frappe anymore and I'm super sad because of that :-(
Got some shoes for work and home with tummy ache. One of the worst feelings in the world is having a long bus ride with stomach pain and wanting to shit but you fucking can't. Terrible.
11 Nov Monday
END OF O LEVELS BITCHES. Finally had my science MCQ which did not reach my own expectation, which I got 35/40 and 3 wrong is due to fucking carelessness which I could actually gotten 38. Argh nvm. Went home to sleep and change before heading out to meet Rozanne to dye our hair together :) Wanted to head to the salon to dye but it was too expensive so in the end we self dyed.
The outcome was shitty. Nothing like what the picture showed. Even my brown ends of my hair were darkened :( So we didn't bother taking an after photo to compare.
Lesson learnt: Don't gei kiang just go salon.
Wanying came a little after. Prepared and head out to meet Don to buy drinks at his place then off to DRINKING SESSION WITH DRINKING BUDDIESSSSSSSS
Jacks meet Walker. Walker meet the Jacks.
If you can tell which one was I yup the one who didn't manage to climb up. I got reason okay!!!! Because I was tipsy and the pole was wet!!!!!! I can climb one!!!!!
Forgot what time I stayed but went back home cause Kwan cabbed me back
14 Nov Thursday
MBS was cancelled so went all the way to Suntec to get my beats!!!!! Dinner at Aston.
It's pretty cause it's pink
15 Nov Friday
Went for childcare in the afternoon then head tuition BBQ at night we combined our science&maths tuition with our POA tuition. No hidden agenda at all.
15 Nov Friday
Went for childcare in the afternoon then head tuition BBQ at night we combined our science&maths tuition with our POA tuition. No hidden agenda at all.
Nothing much about the BBQ but just blessed that I have 2 amazing tuition teachers to guild me through all my errors and doubts. And I really hope all the money that mummy spent on tutors for me do not go to waste.
18 Nov Monday
Off to JB to visit gong gong again! Not all cousins went because some could not make it but a few of us did.
Hi Don this is the Halloween place haha
Reached gong gong new place. Did some prayers and burning and we're done :)
It was a really nice place, the view is good and all sorts. And it was really peaceful and quiet there.
Cabbed to KSL mall at JB! First time taking Malayia taxi so must take picture :)
Lunched at Tang Shi Fu, my favourite was the rice stuff!!!!
And for the most important thing thaat I wanna say is that helllloooooo red hair :) Went to a salon to dye my hair which was pretty cheap because the uncle give me student price and plus it is in RM. And Kasey blow curl her hair for a cheap price too.
So cut my hair too which is less long now but I didn't regret lah cause my hair is really a pain in the ass. But the colour which I dyed on 18th and the colour now is different you can tell when you scroll down later, like my hair colour will somewhat fade. But oh well, I chose brownish red anyways also.
Dinner at another restaurant!
And home after dinner! Nothing much to shop at KLS mall because the things there are just meh.
And home sweet home with my red hair :)
19 Nov Tuesday
Nothing much helped out in childcare in the morning till evening.
And met this Kerwin chia after work. Kwan came to join us too.
20 Nov Wednesday
Kwan's prom day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rushed down to meet Kwan after work had to take half day off because we had to buy so many things last min 1)Blazer 2)Heels 3)Bag 4)Temp perm her hair. And finally after buying all those cabbed down to MBS hotel (she and her friends booked a hotel for their prom stayover)
I went down to help Kwan with her make up while both of their mums where there to help out their own too. Everybody was so excited haha

I'm not short. Kwan just has heels on.
Seeing my Kwanny all dressed up for prom makes me really glad and proud to have such a beautiful sister like her as well as seeing her have such amazing friends who are always there for her. It's heart warming seeing her happy and laughing, when she's happy I am happy. When she's sad I'm sad when she's angry I'm angry. It's contagious because we are sisters.
And if you ask me what is my 2014 wish, no not for myself to be pretty or sexy (but that's good too) not for me to have a lot of money (that's totally fine too) but it's for her to be happy for the rest of her life.
21 & 22 Nov Thursday & Friday
Have been helping out with childcare alot lately because of their graduation. Helped by combining their artwork by forming a bigger art work and by setting up their art pieces like an exhibition. Maybe I might not know what am I saying now, but I can't wait to have children of my own haha. I wanna raise them up to be good people and to be there for them.
On the day of graduation was just speechless. Hope the parents are touched and proud of their kids because they really rehearse till their asses off.
After work went to AMK to meet up with cousins for Catching Fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The show was er, I just hate cliff hangers. But it was touching, or maybe I'm just an emotional movie watcher.
2 Dec Monday
Work in the morning till evening then drinking session at night!!! Rozanne's parents are out of town so drinking at her place!
Everybody got tipsy and kind of high but at least no one got drunk :)
Chilled at the kitchen and had a good long talk with the guys and babes. Home around 6! Thank god for no hangover!!!!!!!!
3 Dec Tuesday
Met Don with Kwan to collect pay at Far East Shopping Centre.
p/s: hair colour which was red faded to brown alr :(
Head down to 313 to get my 2014 diary and cab over to play nation! Met Kerwin there!
Pretty remote :)
After play nation which was from 3-6pm, went for buffet dinner at Concorde Hotel Species cafe! The place was atas and don't know which idiot didn't inform us earlier so we didn't wear appropriately hor.
The service was goooooooood. Reflection for my MBS banquet service when I'm serving people haha.
Proud to say that I took all, ALL, the desserts to try :) even the unappealing ones okay!!!!
Walk around a little and home!!!!!!! I wanna get a x box kinect so I wouldn't have to go play nation and waste money the next time haha.
So hmm don't worry I'll be back to blog about cruise which I have 1000 over plus photos to upload. 1606 photos to be exact. So I'll be back :)
Currently I'm now juggling 2 jobs, one childcare which I'm only suppose to work on Saturdays but sometimes they call me back on weekdays when a teacher is on leave. And the other is at MBS banquet, which is...... idk it has it's perks and it's downs but the pay is good and the job is flexible that's the best part. So mostly I've been working and on days I'm not working I stay at home and catch up on my tv series :)
So life after o levels is.... alright. I don't miss school yet but without schooling I just feel like there's something missing from myself. Like without school, I have no goals or anything, I lost interest in a lot of stuff that I once enjoyed. I feel empty because I feel like I don't live for anything and I'm just living for the sake of existing.
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