2012 as skeletons inspired by Lady Gaga Born This Way (whtevr don)

2013 Don as Jigsaw, Me as Clown, Kwan as some Smile freak, Rozanne as Skeleton and Syarah as Smiley.
Haha and yes I know my make up is not professional standard but give me a pat on the back because I don't take any make up classes okay! It was just for fun and don't compare it with those USS ones because their make up are like really good dammit.
Before I start photos thanks to Kwan, Marcus and Kelly for uploading them on Facebook.
Woke up got ready and left house in a rush because Kwan and I were already late where we were supposed to meet our cousins for early dinner at Vivo!
Fish eye lens v.s non fish eye lens
Mum was going out too so we took the same train but she dropped off somewhere else
Reached Vivo almost the same time when Kasey and Kylie reached haha! Got our food and ate while waiting for the others to arrive!

Jie Jie Kimberly prepared mini Halloween goodie bags for all of us her little cousins :)

Yepp we were this excited

Sorry for my fat face but my dear Kylie Low got each of us something from Batam :)

Jie Jie Kim (the planner), Kasey, me, Kylie and Kwan (not in this pic Karin Karen Kingston Kristin Kathleen and Kelly) p/s: take note how our hair now and after USSHHN3

Jie Jie Kim's husband Charles, his sister Ada, his bro Aaron, cousin Keith and Kane (not in this pic Charles friend, Marcus)
Got some stuff from Vivo and trained to USS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was there rather early because the event only starts at 7pm! But we were there like 2 hours early, did some administration stuff and waited for other cousins. Oh and we booked the tickets online with discount prices and packages with express passes because it was cheaper and worth for money than the increased prices.

And girls being all hyped up and excited hahaah

Typical Lows haha

Haha the lows already chewing on the gummies Jie Kim bought

And being typical Singaporeans we went to queue early hahahahaa.
Oh and we all bought headbands from Daiso as a 'theme wear'
And Kwan and my cat ears :P

Karen and Karin! The Pangs!

Jie Jie Kimberly with her goody bagsssss

The Lim sisters :)

Kor Keith and Kor Kane

I need not still explain how excited we were right haha

And finally after so many camwhores and waiting they finally let us in after fogging up the whole place! Totally a different atmosphere compared to the morning.

And let the scaring begin! My cousins were complete assholes, they started with the most scariest one first and I'm not even kidding. The first thing we went was straight into the haunted house. (3 haunted houses btw)
I wished they could record our reactions because our group were literally screaming all the goddamn way haha and Kwan and I were being typical Kwans as usual hurling vulgarities at anything that scared us.

Like I said the make up is just damn good lor

Not a lot of rides were opened but Mummy and the Transformer were one of those few. The transformer ride was interesting haha. It was in 3d/4d idk but it wasn't real la but Kwan did a dodge thingy when sth was 'coming towards' her if you get what I mean.

Drink station where we got Slurpee and beer!

Wanted to try this one leh but didn't got the chance to :(

Ah the Vampire Diaries lovers haha

Kwan showing off her Halloween themed nails and Kylie just being Kylie haha

Haha and if you can tell by Kasey's hair yes it was kind of hot but still thank god for the non rainy weather!

Some UV light stuff?? Is it UV light anyways? I'm not sure but they make white glows though

Haha cheeky Kristin and Kasey took over the scarer place after he got down to do sth

Mummy ride was crowded with people trying to get lockers to put their stuff

And all our epic faces hahahahaha
1st row: Kasey Kylie Kristin Ada
2nd row: Kelly Kingston Karen Karin
3rd row: Kwan Kathleen Kane me
4th row: Jie Kim Aaron Marcus
Hehe photographer Kirstie :-)


And off to the second haunted house! Nope our screaming were still as loud haha

And although we bought the express pass this was the longest queue we have waited for a haunted house! The Chinese one btw.
Had a good scare once again and after we came out there were interviewers outside trying to know about how people felt about that haunted house so we were being recorded by RWS which we would be on youtube with all our sweaty and cui hair hahaha.

We couldn't find the youtube video yet but they posted a photo on their facebook page of us doing our 'scary and scared faces' hahaha.
Come to USS Halloween Horror Nights 3 and have a scare of your life :-)
Took a short break! Because we were all tired and hungry haha.

Yep drunk Kasey

and me being cute as usual ;)

Haha the pink bow or the hat?????


Ee Tracy pose haha

And back to the rides!!!!!

Had to queue because there was no express passes queue. And haha our row full of colourful headbands haha

And to the place I was most afraid of........................

I personally feel that the haunted house was the most scariest. And I cried hahahaha because one of the scarers touched me by accident so I got freaked out because USS broke my trust hahaha. But maybe because I was being a pussy la hahah but anyways it was scary!!!!!!! Period.

what is this you tell me

And to the most boring place you could ever go to in USS Halloween: Far Far Away.

Went back to the central to take photo with the 3 sisters!

Omg this one. Because he came to scare me I did jumped but after I got scared I literally shouted at him without even thinking 'Eh! You quite handsome ah!' Hahahaha. But damn I loveeeeee vampires just come and bite me already haha ;P

And so we left after completing all the stuff they had in USSHHN3. And not forgetting before we leave.....................................

And no it's not the last because.......

The typical USS globe shot ;)

What is glam right?

And if you're wondering is that all? Nope! Last! All the polaroids we took! Not uploading all because there are alotttttttt
And that's all guys! :) Personally all in all, it was a great virgin experience to Halloween Horror Nights 3 and it was really memorable because it was an absolutely day well spent with my cousins.
So, to my cousins who I know only maybe 1 or 2 of you would read this.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Thank You for making my day
Whenever my skies are grey
By bringing joy, smile and laughter
Like how you bring summer to winter
All of you are sunshines
Who I adore and cherish in my life
No matter how far apart we are
The bond between us was never gone
You guys are like a sibling and a friend
And we will always be the Ks family till the end
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