Hey guys! It's during the period 'O' levels now, yea time really flies. Now soon, it will be the end of 'O's which everybody is anticipating for!!!!!!!!!!
And I just have tons of photos during study sessions with Kwan and the others. Not really a wordy post but just a post full of pictures (mostly of my face teehee)
Study session 1
13 October (Sunday)
Outing with cousins for sushi :-) Head to the normal Sakae Sushi at Scape, wanted to try other outlets for Japanese food but we were lost for options so went ahead with usual.
13 October (Sunday)
Outing with cousins for sushi :-) Head to the normal Sakae Sushi at Scape, wanted to try other outlets for Japanese food but we were lost for options so went ahead with usual.
Little cutiepies came to my place in the morning :)
Kingston was like faster take faster take. Prolly too embarrassed to camwhore on the train while everyone was staring haha. I mean whats wrong right??
Went to Ion Orchard to find our cousin who is working at twelve cupcakes!
Looking teary here because I was kind of having a bad flu :/
And since the buffet started at 6 plus, we had extra time to take neoprints :)
Stupid Kylie go add the noses -___-
Haha I ate like 12234567898 sobas hahahaha
And home sweet home :-) October had been a blast because of the time spent with them. September was the worse so thank god October was a breeze. Really can't wait for Cruise and Bali trip with all my cousins!!!!
Hey guys I know that things have been a little rough lately and I'm sorry for being a little impatient and obnoxious at times. And I really do not want to ruin this friendship so remember that no matter how matter fights we had or how annoyed we are towards each other, I still really appreciate you guys and will always be your listening ear if you guys want to confide in me alright. Love you all
Study session 3 in school with Donggg Chi
Study session 3 in school with Donggg Chi
Just my Johnny being a cutiepie here :-) Diy a somewhat necklace for him hahaha
Study session 4 at Don's place! (p/s: yes i study a.l.o.t)
Study session 4 at Don's place! (p/s: yes i study a.l.o.t)
Good afternoon, Mac delivery! May I take your order please?
Study session 5 (which was super unproductive) + sushi buffet with Kwanny and Donny.
Met Marcus coincidentally at Mac while studying with Kwan, Don, Rozanne and Jason.
Forget when was this. But was out with fam to look for mummy's friend at Jurong area because mummy finally wants a new maid. Thank god because having the same room as Kwan is horrible because she never cleans.
And being someone who stays at Sengkang area, Jurong was totally out of my comfort zone, it felt like I was in JB or something.
Studied a little at Acc Mac with Calvin and home!
Study session 6
29 October (Tuesday)
Finally something other than studying haha! Had paper in the morning but came home and prepared to meet Rozanne for Kerwin's first poly drama production at NYP.
Went for supper with Rozanne at ave 8!

Study session 5 (which was super unproductive) + sushi buffet with Kwanny and Donny.
Met Marcus coincidentally at Mac while studying with Kwan, Don, Rozanne and Jason.
Forget when was this. But was out with fam to look for mummy's friend at Jurong area because mummy finally wants a new maid. Thank god because having the same room as Kwan is horrible because she never cleans.
And being someone who stays at Sengkang area, Jurong was totally out of my comfort zone, it felt like I was in JB or something.
Kwanny got her shattered screen fixed.
Studied a little at Acc Mac with Calvin and home!
Probably you're already bored with this post and as well as my face :P But here's how I would look if I cut my hair short haha. Really really can't wait for the day when my shaved side grows till my normal hair length, which might be 23243567512 years later so I'm so tempted to cut it all to the same length!!!!!!! argh
Probably you're already bored with this post and as well as my face :P But here's how I would look if I cut my hair short haha. Really really can't wait for the day when my shaved side grows till my normal hair length, which might be 23243567512 years later so I'm so tempted to cut it all to the same length!!!!!!! argh
Study session 6
Can't wait to go chop chop chop my hair!
Study session 7
Not our usual study spot but Acc was really filled with people so we came up to the roof to study instead and it was alright because the weather is kind of cooling!Study session 7
Celebrated Weewee's birthday under our block and home!
Finally something other than studying haha! Had paper in the morning but came home and prepared to meet Rozanne for Kerwin's first poly drama production at NYP.
Thanks Kwan for helping me to buy this balloon okay??? But got this bigass balloon for Kerwin :) Which Rozanne and I tried our best to hide it from him because we wanted it to be a surprisehaha.
Went to Nanyang Poly ourselves and we got lost in there. And the worst thing was we got lost inside a cabbie because the taxi driver himself was lost too haha. But managed to reach just on time for the production 'If You Ever Come Back'
Summarize: Girl who loved dancing had an abusive forever drunk father who told her that her mother was dead but in actual was still alive. Mum tried to reunite with family but girl don't want to because she was angry at her mum for abandoning them for her own dreams. In the end hugs and kisses. Girl boyfriend (kerwin) proposed and happily ever after!
When I first saw her dance, her glittery eyes were shining under the spotlight...... haha i forgot lah anyhow bullshit
love the two bimbo friends haha wondered how's life gonna be with constant drama
Emily wait..............
I wanna..........
I wanna ask you to be with me till forever, for us to grow old and have white hair together hahaha
Will you.... Marry me?
Haha no they didn't kiss, it just looked like they were about to but he just swung her around because she said 'yes' :)
Went for supper with Rozanne at ave 8!
Study session 8
Study session 8
Because I'm as round and as orange as an orange
30 October (Wednesday)
Have been planning for jobs after our o levels with my friends. So went for job interview with them!
30 October (Wednesday)
Have been planning for jobs after our o levels with my friends. So went for job interview with them!
Punggol kid
Sengkang kids
Buangkok kid
Kovan kids
Went to Recruit Express for interview but it was really horrible. Their suggested jobs were totally not the ones they promoted on their website which stated 10/per hour. So we were all kind of disappointed because we held quite high hopes.
Wasn't satisfied with the agency so went for another interview at Adecco. Gave us the same suggested jobs but a little more promising. Had a little debate over dinner but ended up at 18 Chef @ Cine for dinner!
The food was okay but I wouldn't mind eating there again because there's stuff I would like to try :)
After dinner headed to Timothy's grandma funeral to send our condolences which was planned last minute.
Our jeans day!
Haha sorry for the boring photo post, well I needed to post them up somewhere right.
Anyways, the end of o levels are around the corner and I'm kind of excited to work my life away with my friends haha! And if you think finally after leaving school, I would actually get a life, but nope! I chose work over clubbing drinking shopping sleeping whatevering life. Haha but of course there will be exceptional days, but mostly it's just work work work work.
How's my o levels anyways? Hmmm I've got to say............ pretty kinda shitty? I would be totally dreading for the results but oh well, I have to face it someday. Not holding high hopes for anything because once I do, nothing, literally NOTHING comes out right.
Alright, just a photo post will do. I'll be back to post about my new job and my hair session which I would be doing with Rozanne and Wanying. I would totally do it with Kwan but too bad mummy doesn't allow her to dye because of her naturally reddish brown hair haha.