Hello guys and haha finally I've got time to blog!!! As usual busy with school and stuff. Aiya life is a bore but here's some stuff to update here :-)
This was during mummy's birthday! Me and Kwan decided to surprise her with a 3 dishes 1 soup meal :-) And it's officially the first time I cooked for someone!!!! And I'm a terrible cook because even cup noodles I can cook wrong haha wtf.
Kwan throwing prawns into the pan hahah
and p/s sudden change of specs because I stupidly went to rub my eyes after cutting the garlic. bloody hell it hurt like asdfghjkll
Kkkk so Kwan got the recipes from the internet for the dishes. And it went kind of well!!!!!! :-D
And this was a small little drinking session with Don, Darien and Hezron at Buangkok after tuition. Haha because it had been a kind of long time we last drank because of the reopening of damn school. :-/
Nothing much uh, it was a kind of crazy night???
All the study sessions with Kwanny as usual because we r hardworking school girls :-)
hehehehheeheh see my johnny here so cutie
Oh and I had my 'O' level Chinese oral as well as listening already. Listening comprehension was pretty easy but my oral was h.o.r.r.i.b.l.e as hell. Don't really wish to elaborate just fuck oral and thank god NO MORE FREAKING CHINESE ORAL FOR FUCKING LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and Kwan gave me this as good luck hehe :-) Felt so loved.
Don't think anybody loves me more than Kwan does :')
Forgot when was this, went to watch Grown Ups 2 with Kwan after school. And the worst part was we were in our school uniforms which totally sucked haha. Kwan kept saying we're the losers in school uni :( But anyways the show was pretty hilarious!
And 1 Saturday night went prawning with Kwan, Don and Kerwin after POA tuition. It had been a really really really long time since I last prawned prolly the last time was the day before Kwan's birthday which was 1st March. So had this sudden urge to prawn so we went!!!! :-D
While waiting for the person who is always late
Okay la although we had not prawned for long time we still manage to catch quite a lot :-) and yummy yummy prawns :P
And Happy Birthday psychotic Darien haha!
And finally the post that I've been waiting for..... CHALET! :-) I've been looking forward to this since forever!!! Finally had the time to post all the photos on facebook so now I can blog! You guys must be wondering also not holiday and stuff why the sudden chalet hmmm because it was my cousin 21st birthday as well as another of my cousin is leaving to Europe for 3 years pretty soon. So yup! kkk
p/s: ALOT ALOT ALOT of photos because we are all camwhorers or camwhore whores hahhaha ok nvm but i'll choose photos to post la cant possibly post all cause too many already. The rest are in Kwan's facebook
Came home after school and waited for daddy to pick us up! It was Thursday so we brought our uniform there to go to school from Changi.
Fail shot without using the front camera haha now I know I've become too reliable on iphone's front camera already haha.
Yup as you can see mummy brought ALOT of things to the chalet -__-
And sleeping time :) The chalet was kind of small and only had two rooms so we, children, all slept at in living room but it was alright because it's comfy :)
Had to wake up at 5.30 to prepare for school because daddy had to send all of us (3 diff schools) John came along too haha. School was time consumingggggg.
Went back to the chalet after school! Kingston's and Kingsley's friends came too so it was pretty crowdedddddd

my cutie kylie as cutie as always

seriously my pimples these few days cannot maintain :( then lack of sleep also so now got one hideous pimple right in between my eyes zzzzz

Haha both little ones so afraid of the firecracker sounds.

Kasey epic hahahahaa

I got a halo the little one has two :)

Photographer Kwan ahahha

Idk if you can tell by the pic but the cake is huuuuge but i want a bigger cake for my 21st!!!!!!

21st Amy boy :)

wo de baobao number 1

wo de baobao number 2

ta snatch wo de baobaos :(

hmph nvm i got this baobao

but she love this baobao more than me :(

but i still lub her hehe

X-box + Mahjong night! :) And watched the movie Epic too, which was a nononnononnono it.is.boring.like.shit and it's not even romantic.
Day 3
Thank god for weekends :) No work and no tuition so funfunfun all the way! Finally a saturday that I'm not awaken by the alarm. Went to swim by the beach in the early afternoon! Which we were not suppose to cause of the oil chemical stuff but oh well as much as I hate saying the word yolo wahahahhaah
omg no I betrayed myself. I'm sorry for saying yolo I'll never say that again T_T
I love love love waking up with my cousins around me :)
Missed the sea breeze so so so much.


Kylie was actually bullying me here thats why this position ok

Kingston and Kasey Kylie preparing to fight already I still at there take picture :)

so kylie attack me :(

kylie: nooooo you cannot run away

kingston: yesssss you cannot muahahaha

aiya as the picture proofs it all. all of them be it older than me or younger than me all bully me

my kwan the camera lady

haha only kwan managed to do the hair flip

hahaha we were all like this like we're gonna be executed wtf

and when i finally did it!!!!!! kylie block me :(

so kylie attack me :(

kylie: nooooo you cannot run away

kingston: yesssss you cannot muahahaha

aiya as the picture proofs it all. all of them be it older than me or younger than me all bully me

my kwan the camera lady

haha only kwan managed to do the hair flip

hahaha we were all like this like we're gonna be executed wtf

and when i finally did it!!!!!! kylie block me :(

Went back to bathe and stuff and went bowling+arcade!

totally so not me

1st pic: love love love the print on this shirt bought it for 50 over plus including the shipping fees which was being shipped from the states.

haha this picture and my pose was actually suppose to deesiao someone beside us doing the same pose aiya if you get what i mean

Went back to the chalet to get ready for dinner with the rest of my aunts

haha see the bottom right where kasey notice the camera and......

hi kasey :)


And back to the chalet!
I forgot what we did at night @_@ oh prolly majonged till 3-4?
Day 4
Dimsum on Sunday morning and swimming in the afternoon! :)

imma buttefly wheeeee

Shower and off to play pool!
Been so long since I last pool

And home.......................... The chalet was actually suppose to end on Monday but since it's quite inconvenient to go school from changi, we all went home on sunday :(

although we were all smiling we were actually super damn sad okay

Ks for life
So end of chalet!
My dear girls, although we had spent 4 days and 3 nights together and took so so so many pictures together I still feel unhappy because I feel that it wasn't enough. Or maybe it was but we didn't spend our time together wisely. But I still thank this mini get away trip with you guys because at least I did truly have fun these days and could get my mind off some things. And with you guys here accompanying me through this hard time (though I don't show it) I'm so so so grateful for that. It's a must to accomplish the dream that our parents couldn't okay! And it's our promise to one another because I know if we're determined enough, we can do it. And because it's somewhat in our family genes the Ks never give up and lose hope, we will keep fighting till we achieve and never back out. :)
Love you girls so much and I can't wait till the next time we meet again! xx
And Friday after school went drinking with my bitches :) k la their not really mine but aiya
And we didn't think we had enough liquor so we went to buy beer hha
And Don's wasted as hell. Picture to prove?
And home!
Saturday went to work in the morning with a terrible terrible hang over! Can't even finish a banana (because wiki said banana helps to cure hangover) but thank god the little children there brighten my day up and maybe with the help of panadol I felt so much better.
Came back and out to study with Kwan!
Because there's no tuition on Sunday we decided to catch a movie later at home because it has been so long! So we went to j8 to grab saybone's soup!!!! DA BEST K
My hair extensions and kwan's shaved side hahahaa
We watched Catch Me If You Can and if I were to rate it out of 10 it will be goddamn 11 omg. Because not only Leonardo Dicaprio is inside I love love love the storyline!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH! It's a totally must watch :') I don't care as childish as I sound, you're a dick if you don't!
Sunday! Met Don at Anchorvale CC to study blah bleh bloop.
That's all guys haha. Super super super long post.
So prelims is here and pretty soon it's going to be 'O's. Crazy how time flies. Unsure am I anticipating or dreading for 2014 (like I've said on twitter) Whether should I look forward to Poly life or should I dread it. Should I be afraid or should I be fearless. Should I open up or should I stay the same. Should I this or should I that.
Whatever it is, there's nothing much I can do but just embrace life as it fucks us all.
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