Hey ;-)
Nothing much but here's some days where I actually went out and not to work.
And this was Friday after work. Suppose have a drinking session at Darien's place with Kerwin only but we went to sculpture park to join Russell and XingXiang because they were drinking too. AND I had photos. In fact alot of them but you know what? My damn iphone fucking 4 crashed and it's unable to on now so everything inside my phone is gone. GONE. And the last time I backed up to my itunes was about a week before? So all my photos this week = gone. g.o.n.e
It's okay. Darien and Russell posted some pictures on Instagram so here's a few?

all K.O
Kk la it was a pretty sick night. Haven't been drinking for very long. I guess I deserve this haha or maybe not.
And Saturday. Fucking hangover and a slight fever so I skipped work in the afternoon because small children have very low immune system and I wouldn't want to pass the virus to them right.
Dinner date with Kwan at White sands. Okay there's a reason why we went all the way to white sands haha.
1) Mummy went off to cruise so she's not home to cook for us
2) Compasspoint is mother fucking crowded
3) Kwan is too impatient to wait
4) We wanted to go to white sands piercing shop
So we went to white sands :-) And had Manhattan Fish Market.
Don't know if you can see it but it's the upper one that she pierced. It's called Daith. Here's some clearer pictures :) I pussied out :-(
hi im a goldfish bloop bloop does my eyes make you wanna feed me? feeeeeeeeed meeeeeee
Yup so home!
Oh ya and I got a new fragrant :-) Bought the largest but still too little, need to get another one soon already hais.
Had another drinking night on Monday after work too. Because I don't have to go to work on Tuesday due to Marcus birthday means I don't have to wake up so early for work haha. Met Kwan and Darien for dinner and went to meet Russell and Fadli.
That night was.......................... idk haha.
And smart alec Darien puke after that. Win.
Darien got pretty wasted so we all stopped drinking so I brought him home.
So after Darien went home I got hungry and Kwan still wasn't asleep so I called her and asked her if she wants anything to eat :-) So I went to buy 7 eleven microwave food hehe!
I swear I wasn't drunk :|
Munch on some food and went to bed with a full tummy. Bad but shiok and defiantly will stop me from having a hang over on Tuesday.
Haha or maybe I was a little?
Tuesday: HAPPY BELATED 17TH BIRTHDAY MARCUS. Although you won't read this but oh well haha. Suppose to wake up early to have Sakae buffet with Kwan but hahaha shit I couldn't wake up. Kwan got pissed so I woke up oh ya was suppose to have sushi buffet with her the other day but I couldn't wake up too argh. So had lunch with mummy at Plaza Sing instead.
Cabbed to Marina Bay Sands to celebrate Marcus birthday, Don's family were holidaying there so we got the chance to go up to the sky park so thanks Don! The cab driver was really friendly and sweet haha, I think cause he thought I wasn't Singaporean at first.
So surprise him with da cake and off to swim! Okay la he wasn't very surprise lor and wasted the cake anyways.
It was a nice view up there seeing Singapore skyline and stuff and the weather was a bonus because the sky was amazingly beautiful. But quite sad when I was there la because I wasn't like the others ladies there showing their beautiful attractive bodies in pretty bikinis. Because I don't have figure to show.
1st pic: Check out my sexy eyebags ;-)

Thanks Don for the photos!

We both were really lucky we didn't get chase off the pool by the lifeguards because we were wearing dry fit shirts. Maybe we could pulled it off as swimming suits.

There's something about this picture that I really like about. I like the way my hair flows in the water, as though it has a life of its own and it's calm in the water. I like the way the picture has a kind of whole illusion feel to it, like the blurriness at the side just makes everything so.... dreamy. I like the way it makes me want to stay and live in the sea like a mermaid and never step on the ground. Everything is so quiet under water everything is so peaceful under water everything is so perfect.
Or just maybe I'm crazy hah.

Birthday boy
Okay la. Then head to Don's family hotel room to bathe and changed!

Marcus went to have family birthday dinner at some hotel and we dined at Din Tai Feng! And thanks to his family who were dining there earlier we skipped the queue :/
Head to MBS sky park to chill a little and Marcus came afterwards.
And home. It was a nice day but I just feel something's missing. A feeling perhaps. Like we used to.
Had tuition on Thursday night, yea I haven't been studying this June. But tuition teacher was so sweet she bought me and Kwan goodies from Switzerland! Really have to catch up on my studies already. I'm falling, I'm failing, I'm deproving, I'm not reaching my standard or maybe I'm not reaching other's expectations.
Friday after work went to meet Kwan and Fiora for Now You See Me at Tampiness Century Square.
Daddy was kind enough to send me there so I was early and excited to watch that movie but Kwan and Fiora were late >:-( For 20min!! So we missed 20 min of the movie zzz. Now I've to wait for Funshion then. But it's okay the show is still pretty awesome :-) Daddy came to fetch us back yay :-)
And Saturday! After work I've got time to chill a little at home spend my afternoon watching tv in mummy's room ah the good old days haha.
Chilled a little at Serangoon Gardens. We ate alot omg.
My adorable sk8ter girl
There's nothing else to do so we decided to head back. Went back another way to Kovan which was faster. Pit stop at Kovan Tao Huay place :-)
My favourite.
Okay heading back to Sunday, Kwan came to find me at AMK library then we cabbed down to AMK Hub.
just tilt your head la dont be lazy
Caught After Earth. Okay la not bad what the show idk why rating so low. I find it quite touching leh.
And ate our late dinner at UNDON KING sth like that. And the food is not bad leh actually. Kwan was hilarious she said they copy the menu style from Ajisan ramen, so I told her maybe they're link tgt one, she said bullshit. But it turned out to be true. Aiya what to do the older siblings are always the brightest. HAHHAHA kidding kwan luv u. But some also say that the younger siblings are the more better looking ones :)
Kwan's forced smile because she didn't sleep the whole day cause of some sindua. Aiyo.
And home :-)
So nothing much have been happening except for my work which I now have a love/hate relationship with. Because sometimes the kids can be really adorable and cute until you just feel like pinching and kissing their cheeks all day BUT sometimes they can really get to your damn nerves till you wanna freaking throw them right across the room and ask them to shut the hell up. But of course I can't because I may get sued by the parents haha. Because I defiantly would sue that person if he/she threw my son/daughter, sue until he/she begs me to stop hahahaha wtf.
Can't wait for the end of the month. Nope not for school to start (omg sch's starting whatthefuck) but the fact that I'm going to have my pay and = to I have cash!!!!! Fyeah la $_$
See ya!
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