Then went to ShiYing's chalet after that! Hmmmm, somehow like class gathering though! Went to the beach and took photossssssssssssssssss.

Kk so didn't eat much during the chalet, went to eat Mac with Kerwin after that when the rest went home. Stay over and watched scary movies with ShiYing and co.! AND I SWEAR THE TOILET WAS FREAKING ME OUT. THE FUCK. Stupid Kerwin swore he won't sleep end up also sleep, I was so bored in the dawn that I've to spam Path. Then went home in the morning when the rest woke up for breakfast. So slept my Saturday away, watched Hunger Games again with Kitty, Jackie and Ben at my place at night.
So it's Sunday. Hmmmm, nothing much really. Glad that there's no tuition in the morning haha. A little weird though. Got woken up at 2-3 plus by Kitty's friends who kept tickling my feet. :/ Suppose to go to town with Kitty today, wanted to get my screen protector and prolly a new phone cover. But she went out with her friends again, as usual I guess. :/ Idk, I feel angry yet used to it. Damn I hate Sundays. Oh, no school tmr.
Oh I almost forgot, Happy Mother's Day mommas out there. Bye.
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