Hello, okay yea. I need to try to keep my blog updated? Now of days busy watching Hotshot.
Nice. (Y) Yea, i know. Kind of slow uh. Anyway, im lazy to blog all th days but ill blog about
today. Up to bottom. So this will be a naggy one. (: Woke up at 5.40+ today. Called baby, met
him, took bus to school as usual. He had a very very very bad sore throat. So, me forced him
to drink water. And th conclusion is tht, its much better already. Hah. Schooled, first lesson
boring as usual. Followed by another than finally recess. After recess, another boring period.
Math lesson, i swear i was super tired and sag hearing ms ang chanting all those graphs things.
Gosh, i super hate graphs. But, got to take a short and sweet nap. ^^ And after math, LCE.
Baby, went for his 3rd match against Bishan Park. Some of us RE-DECORATE with our NEW
classrooms. ARGH! Irritating to th max. Hao hao th nice classroom jiu change. But nvm. Our
new classroom is nice already. Hahahs, after school went to Pepper lunch with JosieMei, YiFang,
DingNing, WanTing, MingFen, KaiTien, Jeremy, DianYee. Nicenice. (: Oh and DingNing, i know
just nao what you meant already. No lah, im not angry with you kaykay. Hur. Than after lunch.
Me & YiFang went to JosieMei house. Watched some scary videos. Hahas, josiemei was scared!
So was i and yifang lah. (: About 5 plus went to find baby. Went compass to eat. And baby got
his leg injured AGAIN! Bishan was playing foul, super bad to th max. They dont deserve to
win. Kaykay, bused home with baby. Me love him. End, love my naggy post? (:
Happy April Fool Day, idiots! ♥
AaronLeeChangYang, i want nobody nobody but chu.
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