Your Sweetheart

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I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. ― Marilyn Monroe

October 25, 2009

I'm done thinking , I'm tired.

Not to take things for granted.
I don't know why but humans are actually really complex creatures.
Dogs just love them and care for them they are loyal to you.
Humans we need to show we care for them and always be there for them etc.
But we have a malfunction somewhere that gives us the mentality
that whenever we have something we don't appreciate it, we don't give a shit about it
and then when one day we just lose it then we start to appreciate it.
Also we always have this instinct to survive,
that no matter how hard we try to force ourselves to die,
we just cannot die, like when you try to force drown yourself,
your survival instincts just pull yourself up and won't let yourself die.
I have found that being nice will never ever pay, its really no point.
Like if the car has 4 wheels and only 1 is moving,
the car won't fucking move. It can't go long distances.
Maybe I'm 13 and I'm still naive, thinking this is wonderland.
I found out even if you give your 100% into something
you don't really get exactly 100% back.
Like if you take a test and you put your absolute 100% studying,
you don't exactly get full marks.
28'october, just hope that everything turns out fine.
Hezron,  its already over. im sorry if i have hurt you.
we lasted 20 days, at least we tried right?
I'm done here,
Bye readers .

peiyi'couple, i've posted ;
and happy 9th month shirmaine'twin!
lovedieyou two!

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