today totallytotally suck.
malay lesson sucked,
the skit sucked,
class hours sucked,
recess sucked,
sorry couple for not waiting,
im rushing to somewhere.
and yesterday ,
and yesterday ,
Had a little of fun , went out with
darylthong,darien and my beloved twinehh.
first went to tuition than met twin at 2 , sorry i was late.
than took 80 to bugis , on the way . shir bought a mazagine
which shows unglam pictures of ladygaga and pink.
ladygaga has a lanjiao,and pink has no neh.
okay, than finally reach met them.
andandand ! [ ------------------------------ ] omgomgomfg!
i cant believe it ! diu lian si le ! -.-
nvm, got over it quite some time than went to watch movie.
aliens in the attic ^^ its so cute, hahas.
and tyvm for th popcorn darylthong! (:
than walk around, darylthong took cab home and its peak hour.
nvm , rich people are like tht.
than went to artbox and bought a sticker ^^
iloveloveloveloveit ! <3 than walked and bought a
pouch ? and twin bought a pencil , saw th size in th
photo ? her s is damn big ? or isit mine is small ?
lol, th size is just a big diff . than went home
around 8 + , didnt manage to get my ds pouch.
nvm (:
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