Todayy went out wib priscilla ,, rachel && kiti .
fun when we go ther but come homee wib a haii ..
longg storyy here i strtt . ;xx 1o.3o tution ended went to
findd kiti && rachel . foundedd . went to take bus 89 to escapeee .
;] sian lo ! almost like all rides close . ): my most enjoy one is
wet n wild . woo ! priscilla say like jumping down th buildingg .
lol . i was hahahhahahaha !! boutt when playin th small rollarcoster ,,
kiti pants ripp . wakkakak . funni . dhen go ehub take neoprintt .
but not as fun as th bugis onee . .__. siann . but tat time we
were stil smiling . ;] dhen sian lo . went to vivo . play waterr . xDD
dhen pris th slipper throw th wall ther . dk nbm .. i oso dk whad i tokin .
dhen somehow priscilla phone touch waterr . sot liao . went bacc to compass
eat dhen byebyee . shortcutt . ps .
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