TOP Don , Yong Hao , Bryan , Hezron , Arvin , Jia Rong , Timothy .
BELOW Daryl , Peiyi , Shirmaine , ME ! - Kirstie , Mark .
WOWW .. todayy such a wonderfull day . (:
if im not wronq not scolded by teacher todayy.
first lesson ENGLISH . boredd . dhen history
.. boringg ! dhen chinesee . heng i chanqe class .
th female chinese teacher ther is like NAGGY lo !
another chinese class is like a few peepoo ?
1JOY i 1FAITH join togetherr . th teeacher is male .
;o . quite gud ? no scold derhh . th rest of th chinese
lesson wil be goin to AIRCON room ! yea .
th others in 1JOY classrooom no aircon . x))
dhen whooooot ,, finaly recess . dhen math !
heh heh . ms ang no come . th class is like
WOOOO ! so happi . (: dhen got 1 geeek
teacher came . tats th part wher we laugh like hell .
he is like so geeek ? ;p . we all laugh until siao luhhs .
th teacher stand like wan show off his .. nbm .
don say beter . think of tat i wil laugh .. lastly science ,
didnt bringg file . luckyy teacher no see until . (:
luckyy . ~ && of cus . i oso didnt fal down . (:
dhen DINGDONGG ! xD dhen few peepoo from 1JOY
go exploree for .. ghost ? includingg me luhhs .
fun sehh . (: woww . but too bad . saw nth .
jus took 1 photo of tat bunch of peepoos . (:
memoryys mahh . at th mirror reflection .
if not wronqq ,, 14 peepoo go explore ? includin boi && ger ?
some go home early some nooot .
dhen bout some time wentt home . ): but .. do ghost reali
exsits ? or jus tales ? ;o .. wooww . wad a wonderful dayy .
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