;oo . QUIZ . (:
Tagg by sheryl dearr to do this quiz .
(names are arranged randomly)
1#How did u meet no 4 ; huiyingg ?
harr ? sch ? ;oo .
2#Do you have any crush up there?
dk . don kpo . ;x
3#What would you do if you hadn't met no 1 ; tingyi?
whad should i do ? die ?
4#What would you do if no 6 & no 2 were going out? ; kimberly && kelvin .
go out go out lo . no big deal ?
5#How did u meet no 8? ; anna
;o . sch oso uhh ?
6#Is no. 2 your good friend? ; kelvin
;oo . yeaa i thinkk . (:
7#Who is no 8's best friend? ; anna
ask her ? ask mi forr ? .__.
8#Have you ever dated no 1? ; tingyi
YESHH! (: my aiai . i date her alot of times liao .
kakakakAAA ! (:
9#Do you miss no 4? ; huiyingg
YA ! (: i miss her loads .
10#What do you think of no 6? ; kimberly
;ooo . she harr . (: good best better . ;p
11#What do you think of no 7? ; shirmaine
(: shes my kuku sis . iloveher . (:
12#Who does no 3 like? ; priscillla
dk dk dk . ;x
13#Have you been into no 8's house? ; anna
hehhs . quite alot of times .
14#Do you love no 2?
.__. ya ? as a xiaodinggdong di ? ;o
15)Do you trust these people?
Your Sweetheart
- I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. ― Marilyn Monroe
January 30, 2009
its ur dayy! happi always && stay happi . (: loves .
(: bacc again yeaa .
postin for todayy ! nth reali happen in sch .
i guess . onli my clip spoil . nvr clip my hair
todayy . sooo weridd . dhen today CURRY CHICKEN
MEEEE ! im lovin ittt . woo . dhen mit ting nn rachel .
dhen xinyi nn someonee came. (: dhen go do th paintin
thingy . hehs . took picturess . (: nice nice . hair so curly
sehh . ask mother can reborn she say jus 1 wordd ..
"NO ! " ): sad luhhs . mus save $$ rebornn ! hahaha !
photoooos .!~ ENJOYY! (:
January 29, 2009
todayy no sneeze . (: onli kerwin sneezin whole day .
xDD . today harr .. timothy sabo . ): tel th mdm sushi
complainn . kana detention . almost half th class kana .
after sch go find her but dunnoe wher she go lo . so hack care
go bac classroom decorate . (: dhen go hall at 3 . but th person say
i don nid go . so go compass alone . ): buy priscilla , jane &&
celine bdae presents . but cant find jane onee .. sian . walk
bout everywher but stil no hab . all no nice . ):
dhen bye bye ;]
todayy no sneeze . (: onli kerwin sneezin whole day .
xDD . today harr .. timothy sabo . ): tel th mdm sushi
complainn . kana detention . almost half th class kana .
after sch go find her but dunnoe wher she go lo . so hack care
go bac classroom decorate . (: dhen go hall at 3 . but th person say
i don nid go . so go compass alone . ): buy priscilla , jane &&
celine bdae presents . but cant find jane onee .. sian . walk
bout everywher but stil no hab . all no nice . ):
dhen bye bye ;]
January 28, 2009
1JOY : done by shirmaine . (: near th whitebored . (:
yaya . copyrighted . (:
todayy at sch went on ah choo ingg . ):
so xin cu .. someone save me. ):
cant even laaugh properlyy lo .. wil feel veri quan .
hard to breathe jus becus of my nose .. ):
used alot of mingfen tissue .. tys mingfen . ^^
went home nose all red . mother thought i cried ..
i see i oso wan cryy . ): mother naggin whole day when
at homee .. " see luhhs . nvr eat enough fruit && vege . now
got running nose " sian . later mus eat alot of fruit &&
vege liaos .. so sadd .. ):
January 25, 2009
January 21, 2009

ytd .. stay bacc to do class decoration . wow .. is like stay
so long but do so little thing onli . but fun luhhs .
dhen tuiton wib pris .. tuition make me wan sleep . ._.
today is a lol day ;D . today laugh like mad . stomuch pain like
hell . th don lo . he laugh th teeth will chatter derhh . x: no offence .
dhen laugh laugh .. laugh sian liaos .. dhen after sch go basment ..
same old thing . pei yi , yi fang , hezron , bryan , arvin && me go . but
half way yifang , bryan , arvin gone . but actually nth ther lehh . no
white spots no "toot" . sian .. i wan seeee ! ;X but don wan oso .
January 17, 2009
todayy soooo tiringg .
morning wake up bout 8.20 + .
go tuition wib priscilla .
yawnn . dhen over at 1o.3o go eat . (:
dhen go home dhen go compass mit ting nn xinyi .
go hougang walk walk walk ,, slack slackkk . (:
dhen tution at 3 dhen end at 5 dhen go find dhey again .
go nusery rooom slackk . 1st time worhh . (:
dhen bout 5.3o dhey went hommee dhen i go walk
walk alone at hougang lo . ): lonelyy hai . bo bian .
dhen lata goin china town jalan ! (:
iloveyoous♥ .
todayy soooo tiringg .
morning wake up bout 8.20 + .
go tuition wib priscilla .
yawnn . dhen over at 1o.3o go eat . (:
dhen go home dhen go compass mit ting nn xinyi .
go hougang walk walk walk ,, slack slackkk . (:
dhen tution at 3 dhen end at 5 dhen go find dhey again .
go nusery rooom slackk . 1st time worhh . (:
dhen bout 5.3o dhey went hommee dhen i go walk
walk alone at hougang lo . ): lonelyy hai . bo bian .
dhen lata goin china town jalan ! (:
iloveyoous♥ .
January 16, 2009
(: !
today so happpiiii !
woooo ! met almost all my besties ! (:
ermm . theres ,,
priscilla . anna . ting yi . rachel . && her sis .
yee shien . kimberlyy . jarran . teck kun . terence .
seanny . andrea . zhi jiann .
actually onli gers . but met them at kfc . (:
dhen jalan jalan . walk walk . boutt 5 sth go .
dhen mit my mother n godma at rivervale .
she rock man .. she bougght my wanted
billlabongg wallet . (:
so happi . wahhahahhas . dhen bout 8 sth go home .
today so happpiiii !
woooo ! met almost all my besties ! (:
ermm . theres ,,
priscilla . anna . ting yi . rachel . && her sis .
yee shien . kimberlyy . jarran . teck kun . terence .
seanny . andrea . zhi jiann .
actually onli gers . but met them at kfc . (:
dhen jalan jalan . walk walk . boutt 5 sth go .
dhen mit my mother n godma at rivervale .
she rock man .. she bougght my wanted
billlabongg wallet . (:
so happi . wahhahahhas . dhen bout 8 sth go home .
January 14, 2009
TOP Don , Yong Hao , Bryan , Hezron , Arvin , Jia Rong , Timothy .
BELOW Daryl , Peiyi , Shirmaine , ME ! - Kirstie , Mark .
WOWW .. todayy such a wonderfull day . (:
if im not wronq not scolded by teacher todayy.
first lesson ENGLISH . boredd . dhen history
.. boringg ! dhen chinesee . heng i chanqe class .
th female chinese teacher ther is like NAGGY lo !
another chinese class is like a few peepoo ?
1JOY i 1FAITH join togetherr . th teeacher is male .
;o . quite gud ? no scold derhh . th rest of th chinese
lesson wil be goin to AIRCON room ! yea .
th others in 1JOY classrooom no aircon . x))
dhen whooooot ,, finaly recess . dhen math !
heh heh . ms ang no come . th class is like
WOOOO ! so happi . (: dhen got 1 geeek
teacher came . tats th part wher we laugh like hell .
he is like so geeek ? ;p . we all laugh until siao luhhs .
th teacher stand like wan show off his .. nbm .
don say beter . think of tat i wil laugh .. lastly science ,
didnt bringg file . luckyy teacher no see until . (:
luckyy . ~ && of cus . i oso didnt fal down . (:
dhen DINGDONGG ! xD dhen few peepoo from 1JOY
go exploree for .. ghost ? includingg me luhhs .
fun sehh . (: woww . but too bad . saw nth .
jus took 1 photo of tat bunch of peepoos . (:
memoryys mahh . at th mirror reflection .
if not wronqq ,, 14 peepoo go explore ? includin boi && ger ?
some go home early some nooot .
dhen bout some time wentt home . ): but .. do ghost reali
exsits ? or jus tales ? ;o .. wooww . wad a wonderful dayy .
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