So it was pretty hazy like last 2-3 weeks but thank god it's over now! Sushi buffet with Don and Kwan after work @ Punggol! So inconvenient to be wearing the mask around, it's so hard to breathe!!
While you're on the bus and you no longer need to cover your nose, you can use your mask differently also. etc eye mask to sleep on the bus and hair band just in case for bad hair day. okay kidding.
Here's a saturday after work too. I forgot which sat alr. Head to AMK library myself to get some books to read :-) Been super addicted to reading during my holidays haha I think I got a good taste in books :-P
Went there with 2 came back with 7 haha. But its due date now already didn't manage to read finish 3 books. School had reopen and no time to read already :-(
Bag of gold hahaha
Then met Don at Serangoon and mrted to Dakota to meet Josie and Marcus. But we were too early so we went to Old Airport to eat taohuey first and it was just a 5-10min walk??
Met Jo and Marcus after taohuey and went to eat lok lok. Which I'm totally not a fan of because it's just like steamboat and the sticks are totally not necessary and it's just like soul garden just that lesser choices of meat.
So after lok-lok head back to Kovan and had Ice Edge gelato for desert. Had Baileys (not bad really not bad at all) and Hershey's (tasted like milk but it's addictive leh haha).
And home.
Sunday!!! Had tuition in the morning and went to prepare for dinner with the Kwans (my family for those who dk)! Been so long since we 4 had lunch tgt already. I can't even recall when was the last time omg. Hmm not that type of family who always have dinner tgt at home.
How tired we were after tuition haha
Daddy sent all of us to AMK Jack's place! Dined there :-) Mummy loves the service there, she don't even want to go to Compasspoint one which is the nearest to our house. So next time you guys can head there if you wanna eat Jack's.
After lunch went to AMK Hub to get Monsters University tickets before they get sold out. Then head to Ion Orchard to get Kwan's converse! And 313 to shop!!!!!! Mummy paid for all of them so I don't have to worry about my credit card limit :-D
For pink dot :)
Kwan love the hello kitty bag alot haha
Mummy head back home to work and Kwan and I cabbed back to AMK to catch our movie :-) Memories haha. It was only when Kwan told me both Monster Inc and Monster University were linked then I realised it haha
End show around 10 plus, deciding whether should we catch World War Z but we would missed the last bus and I have work the next day so we went home instead!
Met mummy there at Bugis itself because she had to take sth from MBS. Went down to compass to have our lunch and walked to Bugis from Little India.
Monday to Friday was my last week of work :-( Unfortunately I can't post the children photos here! But I'll miss them so much esp those who won't be in here on Saturday. Oh I'm still working on Saturdays, need that extra cash haha.
And Saturday 29th June was Pink dot day :-) Went to work in the morning and head down to Vivo with Kwan to St. James Power house for a blogshop festival.
Then went to find my homies at Hong Lim park! It was super extremely crowded lor!! And pink pink pink. Pretty pretty pretty!!!! Had our little picnic there and it was kind of hot hot hot too.
Don't really wanna explain what happen there but it was really a memorable night! Proud to be one of the 21k pink lights :-) Thanks Don for the photos! Really glad that my friends and I went there together!


Oh they were giving out free pink torches too WHICH WERE SO DAMN PRETTY OMG.



They had a heart on the oppostie building and asked all of us to point towards it which was pretty damn sick. It must be a really damn amazing view on top of that building. But it feels pretty good being a part of the people shining the lights :)

Haha it was really hot la we were sweating our asses off

Late dinner at Dhouby! And home!

Went out with mama on Sunday!
Met mummy there at Bugis itself because she had to take sth from MBS. Went down to compass to have our lunch and walked to Bugis from Little India.
Went facial at Mary Chia at Bugis! The atmosphere is realllllllllly comfortable. They have soft music at the background and stuff which was making me really sleepy and I slept for 1hr plus ha. Dk whether did I snore anot hope not though :/
So basically kwan and I accompanied mummy while she bought sosososososo many stuff which IS SO DAMN HEAVY :-( And we daughters had to do our job and carry them. Oh well these are the little things we could do for mummy after so many things that she had done for us.
Ate mummy's favourite hor fan for dinner and home!
So basically kwan and I accompanied mummy while she bought sosososososo many stuff which IS SO DAMN HEAVY :-( And we daughters had to do our job and carry them. Oh well these are the little things we could do for mummy after so many things that she had done for us.
Ate mummy's favourite hor fan for dinner and home!
The day which I dread the most had finally arrived: school reopening. What the fuck. Tired as hell but oh well, what can I say nothing will change anyways.
And finally Friday :-D Youth day! But no different still got school, we're just allowed to wear our own clothes.
Hmmm went out with my homies!! Went to the Cathay to have our lunch and get our movie tickets.
Don's reaction when he finds the relive teacher cute
Hmmm went out with my homies!! Went to the Cathay to have our lunch and get our movie tickets.
Then went to catch White House Down. WHICH IS TOTALLY FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The show is the best. Channing Tatum is the sex. and the bomb. and e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g omg. kkk but seriously it's damn good. The movie is good!
After the movie went to pomo and lan hahahah. Don is no longer a l4d2 virgin yay!!!!! It was fun la :-)
Then went for late dinner at kovan! Eh I just realise guys we always eat late dinner hor very unhealthy sia next time we must eat dinner on time >:(
Then went for late dinner at kovan! Eh I just realise guys we always eat late dinner hor very unhealthy sia next time we must eat dinner on time >:(
And home! Times like this I really dislike staying at Sengkang area.
Saturday! Work in the morning, tuition in the afternoon.
Met Kwan at AMK for dinner and Despicable Me 2!!!! We were super lucky to have seats for the movie because it's new and everybody wanna watch it which means tickets will be selling fast or sold out. But we got them!!! Maybe prolly cause we went there at 6 plus and got the 9 plus movie tickets.
Met Kwan at AMK for dinner and Despicable Me 2!!!! We were super lucky to have seats for the movie because it's new and everybody wanna watch it which means tickets will be selling fast or sold out. But we got them!!! Maybe prolly cause we went there at 6 plus and got the 9 plus movie tickets.
Love love love the movie!!! So many people laughing inside the cinema, actually if you notice it's not the movie that is funny but it's the characters inside that are cute lor. But the characters are really too lovable. Movie ended quite late so home after that!
And finally Sundayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Sorry I think I too zilian alr. Haha or prolly because I got too much time to take photo while waiting for Kwan to finish preparing
My pretty babe
Went to Joe's in the morning!
Then went to Cine to have Sushi Buffet! We didn't eat alot because we ate too quickly as we were really hungry so not worth haha.
Went to eat our early dinner at Din Tai Feng at 313 because shopping is tiring haha.
The service is super damn good there and they give you like a little basket chair to put your bags and stuff!!!!!!! So we won't have to put our bags on the floor or on our laps. Super love it they should have it in all places haahhaa
Then went to Cine to have Sushi Buffet! We didn't eat alot because we ate too quickly as we were really hungry so not worth haha.
And shopping spree and neo prints!!!!!!!! Hardly see any neo prints booth around already. :( Kind of miss the Bugis one, last time they have alot of different booths. No idea why they close down too, losing money meh?! I thought they earned quite a profit.
But we found one at Cine :)
H&M was having a totally crazy sale, most of their jeans are going for only $20. Mummy even scolded us for not buying more haha ks to the max.
Went to eat our early dinner at Din Tai Feng at 313 because shopping is tiring haha.
The service is super damn good there and they give you like a little basket chair to put your bags and stuff!!!!!!! So we won't have to put our bags on the floor or on our laps. Super love it they should have it in all places haahhaa
Then we walked to Far East Plaza and took a bus down to Salted Caramel to buy ice cream home :-)
Home with our ice cream and Spring Breakers with Kwan teehee <3 The movie is not bad what actually, don't know why the rating not that good. I kind of like it actually maybe the fact that because Jame Franco is in it.
Monday! What the fuck is Monday blues?!?! No school thanks to Youth day fuck yeah.
Had tuition in the morning/afternoon. Daddy sent me there yay
Then met Kwan at Nex to have lunch with Don @ Hot tomato. Jo and Marcus dined there too but sat at different tables.

Then went to acc with Kwan to study! And home early haha tired of going out alr.
Had tuition in the morning/afternoon. Daddy sent me there yay
Then met Kwan at Nex to have lunch with Don @ Hot tomato. Jo and Marcus dined there too but sat at different tables.
Then went to acc with Kwan to study! And home early haha tired of going out alr.
Sooooooo finally haha. I spent almost 3 hours blogging already TIRED AH. Hmmm so just now at acc I asked Kwan a question that went sth like "When you're at poly already which clique do you think you would hang out with, the girl group guy group or mix"
Like how in our classes there are always different type of people. There's the girly group one, the kpop group, the boys (Gaming or sporty) group, the lovers, the free style-------- aiya you know what I mean right.
I know that some people may think 'wahlao eh poly already still clique clique' but lets go back to reality, no matter how old you get or where you go be it work or poly or jc, there will always be cliques. Like the same bunch of you going out and doing stuff together be it small or big. No matter how much you dislike it they still exist lor.
And I thought about it myself, some time ago I kind of miss having girlfriends. Like a bunch of them. Because now in secondary school I've been hanging out with boys more often, not that I don't like my clique now!!! But somehow miss the days when I had girlfriends like in Primary 6. We had this "sister" group and we did everything together (from what I remember). Hmm and sometimes I just miss that. Maybe because I watch too much shows like Spring breakers and 2 broke girls.
BUT coming to think about it I don't actually need girlfriends. I have my mix bitchy/family clique which we're able to talk about anything and everything together and not bitch about each other behind each others back so often(sorry but girl cliques tend to bitch about each other often) Not saying that guys don't because I have a perfect example of a guy who bitches here HAHA. And we are still able to do what girlfriends do like staying overnight at each other houses and stuff.
p/s: Jo and Don don't mistaken that I don't like hanging out with you guys okay!!!! I still do and we always will, and nobody can leave till we complete the mother fucking bucket list haha :)
And also I have my sister. Who I'm able to do girlfriend stuffs together etc bitching about girls together, going crazy over boys and their muscles, going shopping together, putting on make up together and choosing each other outfits. And I'm super glad for mummy and daddy for making her hahaha :)
So what can I say, everything is fine after all. Maybe I should try thinking more positively and not be so negative. Because sometimes all the bad thoughts only exist inside my head. Sometimes it's only my mind fucking me up and not life.
Like how in our classes there are always different type of people. There's the girly group one, the kpop group, the boys (Gaming or sporty) group, the lovers, the free style-------- aiya you know what I mean right.
I know that some people may think 'wahlao eh poly already still clique clique' but lets go back to reality, no matter how old you get or where you go be it work or poly or jc, there will always be cliques. Like the same bunch of you going out and doing stuff together be it small or big. No matter how much you dislike it they still exist lor.
And I thought about it myself, some time ago I kind of miss having girlfriends. Like a bunch of them. Because now in secondary school I've been hanging out with boys more often, not that I don't like my clique now!!! But somehow miss the days when I had girlfriends like in Primary 6. We had this "sister" group and we did everything together (from what I remember). Hmm and sometimes I just miss that. Maybe because I watch too much shows like Spring breakers and 2 broke girls.
BUT coming to think about it I don't actually need girlfriends. I have my mix bitchy/family clique which we're able to talk about anything and everything together and not bitch about each other behind each others back so often(sorry but girl cliques tend to bitch about each other often) Not saying that guys don't because I have a perfect example of a guy who bitches here HAHA. And we are still able to do what girlfriends do like staying overnight at each other houses and stuff.
p/s: Jo and Don don't mistaken that I don't like hanging out with you guys okay!!!! I still do and we always will, and nobody can leave till we complete the mother fucking bucket list haha :)
And also I have my sister. Who I'm able to do girlfriend stuffs together etc bitching about girls together, going crazy over boys and their muscles, going shopping together, putting on make up together and choosing each other outfits. And I'm super glad for mummy and daddy for making her hahaha :)
So what can I say, everything is fine after all. Maybe I should try thinking more positively and not be so negative. Because sometimes all the bad thoughts only exist inside my head. Sometimes it's only my mind fucking me up and not life.