Your Sweetheart

My photo
I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. ― Marilyn Monroe

February 20, 2013

I should have gave you all my hours when I had the chance.

Hi guys! I haven't been blogging for quite a long time hmmm. I owe you guys tons of pictures!!!!! And I've got so many things to blog about as well as all the cny photos!

Here I go! Slowly okay! :)


This was when I went cycling with the guys! At some ulu road which is connected from Punggol to Pasir Ris!


This wassssssss study date at Macs with Kwan! Have been going there like every once a week on Sunday to complete all my homework with her! Thank God I've got another study buddy :)


Oh I didn't blog about my 17th birthday! It was nothing much too actually, didn't really wanted to celebrate it because it's really nothing much. I cannot wait for my 18th birthday though!!!!!! But my friends were really nice :) And got me this! 

Hehe thanks Kwan, Don, Josie, Kerwin, Marcus! Love you guys :D <3


This was when I went shopping with Kwan and mummy for our new year clothes! :)


And thisssssssss wassss oh ya Chinese New Year school celebration! 

Head out with Don, Kerwin, Josie and Marcus to play nation > strictly pancakes > AH BOYS TO MEN 2!!!!!! WHICH WAS MOTHER FUCKING AWESOME SHIT TRUST ME AND LOBANG IS A FUCKING CUTIE PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111 CAN YOU FUCKING HEAR ME SCREAMING OVER HERE NOW?!?!?!!?!!?!!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? okay i'll calm my tits down sorry.

Sorry for the lump on my eyelid. Cannot maintain one but it's sosososo much better now


Hmmm then reunion dinner day! Went to Bugis last min to get Kwan and my shoes and clothes too! 

Dad was raging as he thought we were late BUT WE WERE NOT. Aggressive mother fucker are the best three words to describe him. Head to daddy's shop to wait for mummy to pick all of us up! 

And dinner at Nai Nai's place! Hehe we all wore checkered :)

And my uncle sent this photo to one of my aunt who's staying overseas :)

Went home and did some house chores and changed Kwan and my bed sheet! 


New year's ootd for Chu yi and Chu er!

Head to 2nd ah ma place as usual, and finally got to meet all my cousins there! I missed them hahah. Went visiting and stuff :) I've not nothing to say about it actually but it was a good day :) 
p/s: 2 different quality pictures! one from my phone and another from kwan's cammy! Thanks Kwan for the photos!

And here's my dearest dearly sweetie cutie Kylie Low <3

She miss me so much that she had to spam photos with me hahahaa and I miss her now :( YOU HEAR ME KYLIE LOW I MISS YOU :(

I miss working with my lovely lovely cousins :) Not forgetting kwan too!!!!

A kiss from cute boy

A kiss from cute boy

A kiss from my cute kylie :3


Head out later than Day 1 cause had visitors in the house! Went visiting too but not as much, it was kind of a slacky new year! 

Haha and before you jugde!!!!! She's not trying to act like a model or anything!!! I asked her to pose this way cause I felt like a professional photographer taking model shots :P

"Wind effect wind effect quick take!!!!"

" Wind effect wind effect quick professional photographer need to take!!!!!"

It has been a long time since you've seen Johnny!

So I was suppose to act like a guy and Kylie needa be a lady ahahahaha cuz she's not while I am :P kiddin ok kylie kidding!!!!

At Kwan's godma's house

We all look so awkward because the maid was taking it for us hahahaha

Sorry for my fat face la :( But Kwan looks cute

Sorry for my fat face 2

Then went to meet Kerwin and Darien for new year's drinking :) 

Kerwin :D

No muscle act got muscle 

Went home quite drunk around 5am plus cause Kwan came to fetch me! Thanks GuoLiang for the cab hahaha. 

I forgot what I did for day 3 alr! Hmmmmm I think I stayed home due to a terrible hangover hahahaha


Enough with chinese new year :) This was when I went cycling with Don and Marcus! We went to play at the water playground at punggol! Was planning to do the harlem shake there but didn't in the end cause there were kids there! Drank a little before heading home thanks sheep!

And that's all for photos!!!!! :D Finally haahaha. 


Hmmm I've been really busy this week due to all the afternoon program that my school had planned for the graduating classes. And believe me I'm struggling argh. But finally the weekends are almost here! It has been a really long week and I can't wait to nua on my bed on the weekends ^~^

And CA1 is here which I think it doesn't really bother me because honestly all I care is about the GCE examinations. And honestly speaking too, the target setting stuff are killing me inside omg. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ceeya :>
