Hi guys! Hmmmmm yea it has been long!!!!!! This is bad! :( I've been so busy and lazy! And I just realized my previous post was shit! :/ Okay I'll talk about what's happening now later and move on to the last few days according to the photos!
This was the time Don and I went for Chinese remidal to practice for our oral. Yea, it's over already! It was argh but seriously better than the English one I swear, my English oral was really cui until cannot cui!

This should be Friday! Was waiting for mum to be home then head out to meet Darien and Joseph @Buangkok!
Yah! I remember thisssss! LAST LAST SATURDAYYYYYY. This was when we helped out Don's mum child care carnival! It was quite tiring lah! I held so many people hands hahahah okay I drew them :/ At least now I know how to draw Angry Birds! :)

Honestly I don't really like cats :/

I look like one of the staff hahahah cause got so many thingys hanging down my neck!

>Home with the rest CAMWHORE :D


>Buangkok for icecreammmmmmmm!

Hmmmm then skip skip skip the school days part! I think nothing much! :/
Last Saturday was Darien's birthday celebration, 21st july! I had bad hair day that time so I act smart go cut my fringe turn out cut too short! :/ (that explains why I have bangs now) Went dinner with Darien and Wanying then met Joseph at Darien's place!
It was a crazyyyyyyy night :/ I think we were kinda drunk high and shag hahaha.
Like a emo angmor
Sunday! Hmmmm continuing from Saturday!!!! After sleeping at Darien's place went home to bath and stuff(trimmed my hair to more of bangs type), went to buy groceries with mummy then headed to Darien's place again to study! Wasn't very productive lor!!!!! Watched Saw 8 or 7? The last one la!
School lor! :/ Nothing much except sushi buffet with Don! EH NO!!!!!!!!
We had our 4 Faith 2012 Class photo! :) It was pretty cool! I'll post the pictures here when I've recieve them! Confirm plus chop chop chop buying them!!!!
Hmmmm oh yah Thursday! Went to a salon and cut my bangs straight hahaha. Straight after my chinese oral! Thanks Don for accompanying me! :) So finally "real bangs" but it's like short now lah! :( Really insecure bout my bangs!!!! Cannot fucking maintain one ley! NO MORE BANGS NEXT TIME!!!!!!!
AND FINALLY OMG TODAY! It's Friday Friday, gotta get down on Friday~~~ But before the Friday mood had my English Prelim Paper 1 & 2, it was okay lorrrrrrrr. I think!
Met Josie, Don and Kerwin in the evening for Batman The dark knight rises!!!!!!!! MOTHER FUCKING NICE :D Except the stuff that pulls the movie down was the fighting part as there wasn't alot of impact in the fighting and also!!!! Batman not handsome enough lah! :( But it was nice :) 7/10 okeh!!
Went for supper after the movie @Hougang bbubleK <--(idk how it's spelled) cafe! Daddy sent me home!
Yay! I'm done with uploading all my photos hahahahah. I did this bloody post for 2hrs wtf!!! Bloody computer keeps hanging when I'm trying to upload the photo!!!! >:/ So nothing much happening next week I guess! Just tuition? As next whole week would be my Prelims = 'N's are around the corner! Okay! See you guys soon! I guess ◕‿◕